That's when I say "no thanks, you can keep them," and walk out without my regs. No way am I going to pay hundreds for nothing. Especially when "nothing" is something the shop should have realized was fruitless from square one.
I wouldn't pay a mechanic $1,000 in labor because he spent a bunch of time fixing my engine before he realized he couldn't order parts for a 1936 LaSalle Roadster.
This couldn't fit my view any better. I shipped my regs directly back to the manufacturer for service. I'm still not pleased with what I got back (one of the 2nd stage covers is loose, seems to run into something before it's able to "snug" up, so it's constantly unscrewing itself...need to take a look before I get them in the water).
I'm currently battling my solar company, who installed the breaker below on their
third attempt to get my far-from-inexpensive brand new solar system installed correctly. Yes, that's a piece of scrap wire tying two used breakers together, where they added a circuit to my panel. I guess that's all you get for tens of thousands of dollars.
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This has been my experience throughout life - "people who call themselves professionals are anything but."
I fully intend to be set up in time to do my own regulator service on the next go 'round, and all subsequent services.
Almost did this time, but talked myself out of it.