Bulla's Expecting again. 3rd trimester..end...

When will we meet Drake?

  • 3/29

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    Votes: 11 16.7%
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    Votes: 5 7.6%
  • Between the 5th but not later than the 10th

    Votes: 11 16.7%
  • between the 10th but not later than the 17th

    Votes: 11 16.7%
  • She's goin all the way to the 18th...

    Votes: 10 15.2%

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To funny.

No baby YET!!! I'm convinced now.... Kris is going to birth a toddler!

Really, though, any good estimates on how much Drake is going to weigh? Oh! I feel for Kris... doing the home birth thing is going to be.... uh.... incredibly painful if Drake is a big baby! I like epidurals! :D

Colin... you might want to find some steel fingered gloves (you know, like steel toed boots) to avoid her breaking your hands during labor! :wink:
August 9th is a good date.
ReefGuy, you are an evil SOB! :wink:

ER, I'm really not worried about Drake's being too big. Granted, I'm sure he'll be bigger than Xavier and Ian were (6#8oz & 5#14oz, respectfully), but I'm sure it will be more than managable. Honestly, epidurals scare me a heck of a lot more than natural birth. That's just way too close to my spine for my comfort.

Cardzard, I'll see what I can do for you! I'm thinking an Earth Day baby would be kind of nice.

I'm still surprised I've gone this far, but I'm still fine with everything. Today is my official due date - never thought I would see that day while pregnant. LOL! If there's still no baby by next week, I'll be doing a non-stress test and biophysical profile just to ensure Drake is handling everything okay and that he still has enough fluid in there and all that good stuff.

Thanks for all the well wishes and positive vibes out there! :)

Kris... you are definitely a saint(ess)! LOL 3 babies and no epidural! Epidurals were my friend! LOL Your other boys were a nice size to deliver, and I'm sure you'll do fine with Drake! :wink:

You know... Reefguy says August 9 is good.... well, I think August 18th is good. It's my hubby's birthday! :D Of course... Drake is so comfy in there, he might stay till it's time for college! Hah!
Yes but April 24th is much closer and within the range of probability. Sorry to tell you this ER and Roy if it goes until August Kris is going to have bigger problems then you can imagine.
the 24th is workable.. thats only 6 days past "due" - I'll be documenting with photo... for some reason the midwives and such have staked claim over me for being 'in there' - sheesh! Thats OK, we're all friends and when its said and done, we'll have a beer and rub his lil head.. :)
Rig -- ahh... haven't heard that one in a few months..hmm, haven't seen the video in at least 15 years! Hey, I remember when it came out (oh man....)......

Play it LOUD :rocker: Could help things move along :wink:

Today is the day :)

BTW it's my kids 12th B-Day today
the 24th is workable.. thats only 6 days past "due" - I'll be documenting with photo... for some reason the midwives and such have staked claim over me for being 'in there' - sheesh! Thats OK, we're all friends and when its said and done, we'll have a beer and rub his lil head.. :)

Colin...giving beer to a newborn is bad M'Kay! Wait til he is at least an hour old:rofl3:
Colin...giving beer to a newborn is bad M'Kay! Wait til he is at least an hour old:rofl3:

Beer is daddy milky, m'kay :crafty:

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