Bulla's Expecting again. 3rd trimester..end...

When will we meet Drake?

  • 3/29

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3/30

    Votes: 4 6.1%
  • 3/31

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • 4/1

    Votes: 11 16.7%
  • 4/2

    Votes: 4 6.1%
  • 4/3

    Votes: 8 12.1%
  • 4/4

    Votes: 5 7.6%
  • Between the 5th but not later than the 10th

    Votes: 11 16.7%
  • between the 10th but not later than the 17th

    Votes: 11 16.7%
  • She's goin all the way to the 18th...

    Votes: 10 15.2%

  • Total voters

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Tomorrow is the day.
Jeff, I thought you were Kris's friend. With a comment about NOT popping could put a very preggie woman over the top.

Can you hear the music???? :fear:

(sssssshhhhhhh! It's a goad. Trying to drive up Kris' blood pressure. Pop goes Drake.)
She's nesting again.. the Kitchen sink is being used :)
Make the most of it as it cant be that much longer! What else needs doing around the house???? Come on, its your new place, there must be quite a few things, she seems quite handy to do stuff and has the hormonal drive to do those things right now - get on it man!! :wink:

Maybe you need to send in a search party to flush out the drake? :mooner:
I hear the music... it sounds like "Dance Magic" - Kris loves that song... you know, I had to dance to that tune with her in her kitchen before she would marry me.. and suddenly she's taken to listen to the Oldies station, you know, the one with all the 80's tunes on it?? You'd think they were new releases the way she starts singing them kinda knowing a word there and here.... :D

She's nesting again.. the Kitchen sink is being used :)
Mother Mother ocean I hear your call!!!!!:11: :11: :11:
Y'all are funny! Trust me - I NEVER in a millioin years would have guessed I ever would have made it to my due date, which is officially tomorrow. I'm just being patient and hoping he comes in time to give us a little while to rest up for Cinco de Mayo.

There's really nothing new to report. I'm feeling fine, and Drake is still pretty active in there. Well, as active as he can be as he's slowly running out of room. Everyone I know who is pregnant and due right along with me is popping out babies. Even our guppies are having babies before me. LOL! I have a first-timer friend who is due two days after me, so I'm hoping I at least go before she does. I told her that I'd be really pissed if she goes first, but I think I'd really be okay with it. I'm truly okay with whenever it happens. <sigh> I just really didn't want to go to work tomorrow. Oh, well!

:eek:) Kris
Okay, that's where I want to go! I want a cheeseburger in paradise and one helluva margarita!! Sign me up!


i'd take one, without the sombrero, please
Especial!!!! I bought the glass too. :wink:


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