Have been locked out of scubaboard for several days. So it's great to see all these good replies when I got back in today!
Well, next time (Bonaire in a couple of weeks), I will give it 24 hours of SI before the departing flight, just to be conservative, even tho DAN is more generous these days. I will also call DAN before I go.
I did wonder about mask squeeze and the eye thing -- on that trip I was dealing with a new mask that was fogging so badly (yes, after multiple cleanings, etc) that I know I wasn't equalizing the mask as much as I should have. It was darn tight when I got uptop.
I am surprised to read that bruising is a common sx of DCI. I haven't found any text that surports that specifically, but it makes alot of sense.
Just good to know all this -- fear can be healthy when it's constructive.
My hubby was an altitude freak of the other kind... into flying small aircraft. On his dash was always the pithy reminder:
"Don't Do Nothin' Stupid!"
Thanks gang!