Bringing back some of Cozumel

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I've seen it on the shelves (the D'Aristi brand in the familiar bottle) at the Spec's in the Southpark Meadows shopping center south of Austin. Can you check if your Spec's has it before your trip or are you there on the island already?
I think he is there. Hard to keep track here, I know... :D
Just finished our first day of diving with Blue XT Sea.
Couldn't find it at Mega. Found it at the liquor store downtown at 117 pesos per bottle. I bought them this morning. I'm taking 5 bottles back with my adult son.
Are those liters or 750s?
Everywhere except Chedraui has D'Aristi brand. We get ours at Aki, where a 1-liter bottle is MXN$111.45.
There you go - 35c/liter cheaper. :crafty:
This thread has me curious about a broader issue when traveling. What happens if he secures the bottles heavily in bubble wrap, boxes them up, shows up at the local equivalent of the UPS Store and ships them to himself? Without saying what's in them.
This thread has me curious about a broader issue when traveling. What happens if he secures the bottles heavily in bubble wrap, boxes them up, shows up at the local equivalent of the UPS Store and ships them to himself? Without saying what's in them.
I think you pay more than the bottles are worth, wait forever, take chances losing them - good luck on insurance claims, then at best deal with customs by mail.
This thread has me curious about a broader issue when traveling. What happens if he secures the bottles heavily in bubble wrap, boxes them up, shows up at the local equivalent of the UPS Store and ships them to himself? Without saying what's in them.

There is no exemption on shipping I don't believe. You would have to jump through hoops. I know sending US to Canada or Mexico it is not 'free.'
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What happens if he secures the bottles heavily in bubble wrap, boxes them up, shows up at the local equivalent of the UPS Store and ships them to himself? Without saying what's in them.

If he does it without declaring the contents, he could face trouble. Any time I've shipped anything internationally I've been asked to declare the contents, so lying would likely be required and that causes problems.

The feds want their excise tax on imported alcohol. States want their own, and many have regs about shipping booze. Note that shipping booze to TX from within the US is a problem, so they're not likely to be happy about liquor shipped from overseas.

Realistically, the worst that's likely to happen is having a shipment seized. From a practical perspective, and I've had this happen to me when I ordered diary refill pages from England, you'd get notified that you have some duty to pay (a few cents on diary pages...) and would have to go pick up the package in person.

In practical terms, booze is heavy. Shipping even light stuff from Cozumel is expensive. I'd rather pay whatever they're asking at Spec's than go through all those hoops.

I grew up in Europe in a US military family. My dad has imported a LOT of bottles of things to the US over the years, and it's always something of a PITA. The only things I'll personally transport are things that are unobtainable where I live (in practical terms, that includes xtabentún for me) or are greatly more expensive.

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