Bradenton Sat. May 1

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Sorry to hear that, Kurt. We'll have to try again soon.

I'll be there tomorrow around 9:00-9:30
I'm out, guys, sorry. Something came up I can't get out of. Next time.

I had to drive a dog to Tallahassee to an adopter. We do German Shorthaired Pointer & Brittany Rescue and had a GSP we are placing go this weekend, and I couldn't put it off.
Sorry you missed it, we had a great day! We'll have to arrange something soon.
Someone almost got lucky. Could have had a date. A real hot one. :eyebrow: She hadn't been around men for 6 months.
We won't mention who (RG) but he turned her down I don't understand why. Just cause she couldn't hardly stand up.
And then there was the kid that wanted to barrow a mask cause he couldn't afford to rent one. No problem I'm sure I'd let him borrow my $70 dive mask :wink:
The dives were fun though. Saw some good stuff and the vis was good for the gulf close to shore. The second dive with the jet ski using the flag as a marker to circle around was interesting. We actually found a boater that knew what a dive flag was and stayed clear. I'll post Pics soon.
My wife's 30th birthday is on Wednesday, May 5, 2004 and
I'm hoping to take a day trip from here in Largo, to the Sugar Barge for an off-shore dive. I've snorkeled it before on a clear day, but also had a few days I drove pretty far for nothing. Let me know how was your day out. I had great visibility on Indian Shores Beach today. I wouldn't mind hookin up with you guys for some dive time eventually too. Thanks.

-Donovan K ---actual photo------> :14:
Fred, I think you're just jealous that I didn't ask if she had a sister :anon: .

Don't forget about our new car rescue program, either. I think we ought to start charging.

I went to Venice Beach later, and the vis was still pretty good (10-15'), even though the wind had shifted and was now out of the west. Did a short (40 min) dive, found around 50 teeth and rescued one ANDREW JACKSON from the briny depths. Unfortunately, Mr. Jackson was alone.

There were two hotties on the beach, but apparently my babe magnet was used up. That, or it only works on one armed, no teeth, significantly older, dead drunk, recent offenders. :icon10:

Donovan, just put up a post here, and let us know when you want to go. We also got a pretty good fix on the reef to the south. I can probably hook you up with a hot date, too!
Fred, I think you're just jealous that I didn't ask if she had a sister :anon:
I was glad she didnt have a sister, also recently released - i wouldnt have wanted you gloating from scoring too hot chics! What do you do to attract them?

Don't forget about our new car rescue program, either. I think we ought to start charging.
I found my keys by myself in the safe place i put them - i just forgot where that safe place was momentarily. As for Fred saying he didnt mind waiting for me, need i remind you that as soon as i had my key, my gear was on and i was on my way down to the water to cool off and stay away from any more women that Jeff might attract :wink:

So the first dive was nice, the viz wasnt quite 10-15ft as Seatrek had told us, but it wasnt that bad clear 6ft, hazy 10ft. I didnt realise that the wreck was quite so broken up, there were at least a dozen different parts strewn over a few hundred feet - in fact lost the flag that we tied on at the far end (not by the marker buoy) for a little bit. There were several sections which had a good bit of life on them and some ugly life at times too, namely a toad fish in a hole. Many grouper inc one ttthhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssssss big and i saw a ray which was a good size (maybe two foot across), it was white couldnt ID as it swam off really quick! That was a nice dive about 13-19ft ave 14ft and managed an hour there with a rented AL67 - my breathing rate improves!!!!

General directions to these places are to take US-41 through Bradenton until it starts heading west, at a light where US-41 heads south again (and is posted that) along with a sign for the beaches keep going straight (something like SR684??), after a few miles heading due west you go over the bridge, then turn right on 789 and a dirt parking lot on the left (west) is where you want to be, real close to the intersection. For Spainish Rocks, turn south on 789 (left) and head for a little (<0.25 miles) to a roundabout - go straight over, park in the lot around another 0/25-0/5 miles after the roundabout. There are three piers, you want the middle one. A touch south of that pier almost directly out from a house with a round window at the top, about 200 yds off the end of the middle pier is roughly where this reef is.

A nice break for a bite and drink and off to the Spainish Rocks reef. The car key temp loss, the prison break hoochie for Jeff and Fred laughing at both of us. So we went to the middle pier dropped down around the end of the pier like we had been told by a guy at Seatrek - we find about 6-7ft of water and only a sandy bottom, head a little north, nothing, a little west, nothing, back south and find it - 20 mins after we started. If you have been to a town/city/country in miniature place, where they have all the famous landmarks in 1/10-1/100 scale or whatever, and enjoyed it, then you will feel right at home on this reef. The bottom is still kind of sandy with outcroppings of limestone/coral areas, very small reef plants and lots of small fish - except a couple of decent size grouper and a crab about the size of a football in almost every hole under the limestone islands. There might be about 50 little outcrops, we spent about 40 mins exploring them and wondering what to do about the jetski above! Again about 18-20ft deep most of the time, another hour out of an AL63 - even better consumption - i should dive every day and really get it down!!!

Thanks to Jeff and Fred for doing those dives and calling the others when i ran the tanks low on air - even though you both still had 1/3 of a tank each (AL80's or better). However i will ask Fred when i do my cavern and cave courses, not to wear those split fins, man did they kick up some sand! :11:

See you out there again sometime! BTW, any good pics whilst we were out there?
It's hard to frog kick 6" off the bottom with split fins.
I realy can't wait for you to do your cavern, then the intro will be great. :eyebrow:
The pleasure I'm going to have. :wink:
But your Bouyancy has gotten alot better as well as your SAC.

It's hard to frog kick 6" off the bottom with split fins.
I realy can't wait for you to do your cavern, then the intro will be great. :eyebrow:
The pleasure I'm going to have. :wink:
But your Bouyancy has gotten alot better as well as your SAC.

Maybe you should just stick with fluttering the splits like they are designed for or stay more than 6" off the bottom :wink:

I will enjoy doing the cavern and intro courses, when the time comes - i could do it really soon and learn a whole bunch, but i would like Becky to get some more dives too for both of us to start at a reasonable level - and of course finish the other courses first! I am still thinking late summer or this fall so we can have a whole winter in the springs.

What pleasure will you derive from our taking the course? Hope you dont get bored just watching us do our skills etc. My buoyancy and everything else is still too much of a work in progress, but these last few months of diving almost every weekend have really helped with so much - and best of all my ears are starting to work properly - ie clear and stay clear after the dives - that is currently what i am happiest about as they were looking to be a huge pain and possibly a problem for continuing to dive.
I was reading thru Deloach's book last night and realised that we dove what he calls Third Pier (although i would contend 2nd/middle as we were nearer that than the southern most pier). Spainish rocks is about 1.5 miles further north on 789 than the Sugar Barge "wreck", so we should check that out sometime i guess. Even so two good dives on saturday, but more to explore around Bradenton!

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