Great weekend for diving!
The Keep-Ah is back in the water and charters are running! We just completed dive charter #3 (Saturday 4/12) and dive charter #4 (Sunday 4/13) this weekend. The boat is running as strong as ever with the newly installed engine.
On Saturday 4/12 the sun was shinning and the weather was warm which provided us a glimpse of the summer. We dove the wreck of Kiowa (Max depth: 51fsw) and had outstanding 30-35ft+ visibility right at high tide slack. On the way back into the harbor we dove one of our usual scallop beds for the second dive where everyone bagged up a great catch.
With the weather this winter kicking up the sea floor we've also had some very good antique bottle finds in the last couple weeks.
Water temperatures are still ranging from 37F to 40F in the harbor depending on which computer you believe but it's warming up fast.
The Keep-Ah is back in the water and charters are running! We just completed dive charter #3 (Saturday 4/12) and dive charter #4 (Sunday 4/13) this weekend. The boat is running as strong as ever with the newly installed engine.
On Saturday 4/12 the sun was shinning and the weather was warm which provided us a glimpse of the summer. We dove the wreck of Kiowa (Max depth: 51fsw) and had outstanding 30-35ft+ visibility right at high tide slack. On the way back into the harbor we dove one of our usual scallop beds for the second dive where everyone bagged up a great catch.
With the weather this winter kicking up the sea floor we've also had some very good antique bottle finds in the last couple weeks.
Water temperatures are still ranging from 37F to 40F in the harbor depending on which computer you believe but it's warming up fast.