Cervical spine manipulation (chiropractic adjustments) can be utilized to dramatically improve equalization disorders.
Vertebral manipulation (chiropractic adjustments) have been proven very effective for inner ear disorders (fluid congestion, earache, imbalance, vertigo). The research regarding this subject has been properly done, valid, and repeatable.
I have been practicing chiropractic for 20 years. Success with inner ear disorders following chiropractic adjusting is so common, it is anticipated with confidence.
Several years ago, a patient presented to me who was going to give up diving because she could not equalize well. Diving was impossible. Her spouse was going to give up diving as well, as they shared this wonderful hobby. The drugs used to treat this disorder did not sit well with her.
We began a process of specific cervical spine adjusting, to correct physical\mechanical joint dysfunction in the neck. The outcome was positive and she corrected the CAUSE of her equalization problems. She dives frequently now with no problems. The positive outcome kept this couple together in diving.
I have been conducting ongoing research into this cause\effect. The outcome has been repeatable and positive, to the extent that I feel confident bonesetting is a vailid treatment for equalization disorders.
Currently, a young member of this board is undergoing this research experiment. She dives along with her mother and father and brother. Recently, she was considering giving up on the sport, because she could not equalize effectively in one ear. It was too painful as soon as she began descent. We are treating her 1X\week for 6 weeks. Then we will re-evaluate and go to the pool. I'll keep the board posted on this outcome.
This professional vowes to report the outcome objective and truthfully. I'll keep you all posted.
I welcome comments regarding this issue. Please share your experiences with this doctor\diver.
page.crow dc
Cervical spine manipulation (chiropractic adjustments) can be utilized to dramatically improve equalization disorders.
Vertebral manipulation (chiropractic adjustments) have been proven very effective for inner ear disorders (fluid congestion, earache, imbalance, vertigo). The research regarding this subject has been properly done, valid, and repeatable.
I have been practicing chiropractic for 20 years. Success with inner ear disorders following chiropractic adjusting is so common, it is anticipated with confidence.
Several years ago, a patient presented to me who was going to give up diving because she could not equalize well. Diving was impossible. Her spouse was going to give up diving as well, as they shared this wonderful hobby. The drugs used to treat this disorder did not sit well with her.
We began a process of specific cervical spine adjusting, to correct physical\mechanical joint dysfunction in the neck. The outcome was positive and she corrected the CAUSE of her equalization problems. She dives frequently now with no problems. The positive outcome kept this couple together in diving.
I have been conducting ongoing research into this cause\effect. The outcome has been repeatable and positive, to the extent that I feel confident bonesetting is a vailid treatment for equalization disorders.
Currently, a young member of this board is undergoing this research experiment. She dives along with her mother and father and brother. Recently, she was considering giving up on the sport, because she could not equalize effectively in one ear. It was too painful as soon as she began descent. We are treating her 1X\week for 6 weeks. Then we will re-evaluate and go to the pool. I'll keep the board posted on this outcome.
This professional vowes to report the outcome objective and truthfully. I'll keep you all posted.
I welcome comments regarding this issue. Please share your experiences with this doctor\diver.
page.crow dc