Hi Josh,
You are right, Buddy's changed their site since the last time I visited. Thanks for the correction.
Three the photos are from the Buddy's side of the resort and have no resemblance to the roach hole they stuck us in. One of them is a refurbished unit on the Lion's Dive side. I know, we have stayed on both sides. It is my experience that not all of the Lion's Dive units have been remodeled. I had this discussion with the travel agent who booked the trip for our LDS and it was confirmed by other people on different trips while we were all setting at the same table.
The root of the problem is that Lion's Dive was part of a timeshare and when Buddy's took over they had to respect that obligation. Why remodel a room that you get little revenue from the unit when you honor that obligation? Buddy's has decided to keep a number of rooms in the same condition when the timeshare program was in effect. Also, what better way to limit the timeshare stays? If you book a room at Buddy's stay away from the Lion's Dive side of the resort. You are paying the same rate and don't let Buddy's roll the dice to see if you get a decent room. Best thing you can do is pitch a b itch if you get a room like they stuck us in.
Actually, you can put a a lot of stock in "brochure" photos. Especially when there is such a deviation from those photos to the product being actually sold. That practice is called bait and switch, also know as fraud.