Boat Crew Setting Up Gear?

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When I get my boat, I'll trade ya dive trips.

I'm gonna start smearing a big goop of vaseline all over my gear. That outta keep them prying hands off my stuff. Any DM's wanna clean my gear after the dive?
SeaJay, I really really really hope that I've missed the joke or that the irony of what you're saying has elluded me... otherwise I'm afraid to say that you're a very unpleasant individual and not someone I'd really like to buddy with let alone take out on a boat


No worries. At least I know where I stand with you. :D

For the record, mempilot's right - I have tremendous respect for instructors - people who provide the service of education for a fee, at the student's request. I might feel differently if they were forcing it on people and then expecting them to pay, which is exactly how I see many DMs.

Bottom line: I don't want a DM's service, but I understand that some do. That's the customer's perrogative - and should pay well for excellence in the service that they've asked for. The key is that they've ASKED for it.

If you want a DM to accompany you on your dives, then by all means, employ one and pay them well for a job well done.

Conversely, I expect to have the right to be of the opinion that DM's should leave me AND my gear alone. They don't belong where I dive anyway.

When I get my boat, I'll trade ya dive trips.

I'm gonna start smearing a big goop of vaseline all over my gear. That outta keep them prying hands off my stuff. Any DM's wanna clean my gear after the dive?

LOL... Two words: "Axle grease."


You're on with the trips... I've got a new hole here full of megladon teeth... :D
I know New York well. Spent many years up there. That's why I live down here. :D

SeaJay, I have a hard time believing that you are a Southerner. Carolineans are usually polite to a fault.

When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite. - Winston Churchill

Some of us DM's do not get tips or expect them and we do our best to not leech.

What do I get for pay? Discounts at the dive shop that you could probably negiotiate yourself by being obstinate or nasty enough to threaten to go to another shop and have the price list in hand. I also get nitrox for the few times that I am "officially" divemastering and not just expected to babysit because some instructor on board (out of our shop) knows I am a DM.

Some of us are very good at leaving people like you alone and letting you dive while taking a newbie to the area under our wing to keep their problems out of the view of the more experienced divers so that they can enjoy their dives better.

I did NOT go through nine months of indentured servitude and training to get coffee. And all of our instructors do through a period of time as a divecon before they start down the road for instructor.

Excuse my rant, but I (and some of the other DM's on this board that don't want the hassle of being an instructor) are worth far more than your little rant would indicate and we are not beach bums. Maybe you have the money for your own boat where you control everything on board. Most of us don't and have to get charters. Charters normally have mixed groups of divers. DM's fulfill a role in these groups when they are around.

My largest issue with a DM was with a very experienced and good DM actually. She is a cave diver as well. She insisted on taking care of my buddy (a newbie) which in effect left me solo diving. Then, she and the boat captain (a team leader on police underwater recovery units who discovered half the wrecks up here) insisted on limiting my personal dive plan to their dive plan. Still my fault, I paid to go on the boat. In the Navy I learned that on any vessel the Captain's word is law at all times. If I didn't like his decisions, I shouldn't have gone out with him. I won't do so again, but I would recommend them to other divers. I simply had a personality conflict. That is cool, but that boat doesn't work for me. I like other operators that allow me to act more independently.

Take care and dive safe,


Born in South Carolina

Raised in New Jersey

Fled to Arizona - spent years in tech. Rode motorycles in the desert.

Came home to be with family in South Carolina.

Southerners are not polite to a fault - that's just the image they like to portray. Deep down, they're still rude. They just hide it better.

I prefer honesty. :D

I drive a pickup and speak with a Southern drawl - does that help? :D

You from Mis-sip?
Hate to be the interfering newbie, but perhaps the best way to resolve this is -

Do what makes you comfortable, but be aware of the risks.

Some of us just wish we could afford holidays where someone else was setting up our kit whether we wanted them to or not. :wink:

Nauticalbutnice :fruit:

/relurks :sofa:

You do have the sea all around you. And such a beautiful country... I'm told that my family was originally from around the Isle of Skye. But your Lord Cromwell sent them all to Barbados. It's rather ironic. Too bad they didn't dive back then.

I would love to dive Scotland.
I drive a pickup and speak with a Southern drawl - does that help? :D

You from Mis-sip?

I beg to differ; Southerners are not rude; they may be scornful, but never overtly rude. No, I'm not from Mississippi, but from the big city in the Delta where all the blues singers go to sing about being from Mississippi. Elvis came here and made a record. He was from Mississippi.

I'm all about looking for Megladon teeth!

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