To do a brief summary, Rick and I arrived around 4:30pm on Friday. I contacted Stella, and was able to get her to meet us at 5:30pm so we could pick up a couple full tanks.
Tom hooked up with as just before Stella arrived with a couple of tanks to be filled. Rick and I did a night dive. It was his first Drysuit dive, and I don't think the added task loading of a night dive made it easy.
We hooked up with Tom, Angie, Sean, and Ash, and had a good meal at the Lake City Diner. We woke up to snow! It was cold, breezy, and snowing, but we met around 9:00am and did a dive together.
We were feeling a bit lazy, so we just hung out, had lunch, did an afternoon dive and called it a day.
Sunday Kevin, Jason, and a few others (sorry the names are escaping me) arrived, and we dove as a rather large group. I somehow failed to hook up my drysuit inflater (for the second time in maybe four months!

) so I was a bit slow going down.
I did nor realize what a large motley crew we had diving with us until I looked down and saw what looked like an OW sized class all hanging out at the bottom! Fortunately everyone was doing a good job of keeping out of the silt, and the vis was pretty good.
We opted for a second dive before lunch. I took Kevin up on his offer to do doubles again, and I was launching my SS on most dives as well. It's amazing how this simple skill really takes some work. I'm getting better with practice, but I launched one sausage into a large rock overhead!
Lunch was great! Burgers, Brats, chips, bre, and good friends!
We hung out until around 3:00pm giving us some extra time to off-gas before having to do some altitude gains heading to Las Vegas, and over the pass.
I spent a lot of time talking with Stella. Her Hot Dog stand shack is in place, leveled, and they are getting it in shape for her to move. This place is tiny, so there will be not enough room to join her inside, or get warm, or meet to do logs for OW classes and such.
She plans to be in there around April time frame, maybe sooner. She indicated that the construction of the new Shop would run about 18 months. Santa Rosa time is kinda like Doggy years, so who knows how long the construction will truly last. The new LDS will require divers to go through the shop in order to get to the Hole. I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand it offers more security, a check-point to ensure divers are paying, and some other benefits which will keep vandalism to a minimum, and help with maintenance. However it meas that one must haul a large amount of gear through a building, and I'm not sure about stuff like grills, coolers, and such.
It would be nice if we could see some current construction blueprints.
I think they would be better off having a gate check as folks enter via their cars, but Santa Rosa seems dead set on the idea of parading everyone through a building. It's hardly a new concept, and a proven model, but for those of us who dive out of our cars and trucks, it's going to be a very radical change, and will also involve a lot more work hauling gear, chairs, coolers, tarps...
Since I've now hijacked my own post, I'll end it by saying, it was gret to see Tom and Sean again, meeting their lovely wives (who BOTH DIVE), and diving with the ABQ crew is always a blast! Good Friends, and Solid divers make for a great experience every time I go down!