Blue Hole Dec 9th~10th

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I think I will give it a miss this time and come out in spring... You sound like a cool bunch of people and I think it'd be a fun weekend, but I don't fancy the 8/9 hr drive :(

I'll definately make the effort when it's a bit warmer though!

Car-pooling helps because passengers can sleep away some of those long hours.
I have made it in 6 1/2 hours from Fort Collins when I avoided rush hour in Denver and Co Springs.
Plenty of people get certified at Blue Hole, so its not over the head of noobs. As stated before, its important to have the right exposure protection. A 7mm suit with a hood is key if you don't dive dry.
Blue Hole Dec. 9-10 is starting to look real tempting. Havent been diving in almost a month. Does anyone have a line on a good used Drysuit (large) who is gonna be at the Blue Hole that weekend ? Hope to see y'all there.
Blue Hole Dec. 9-10 is starting to look real tempting. Havent been diving in almost a month. Does anyone have a line on a good used Drysuit (large) who is gonna be at the Blue Hole that weekend ? Hope to see y'all there.

Well UNFORTUNATELY Kent has to much going on, and we are now planning on heading down the following weekend.. sigh... That the plan as it stands now anyway.

There will be some of the ABQ crowd there on the 9~10th.
If the weather report is good, I might have to drag out the dry suit and join you guys, if this is an open event???? See if I can't drag a few other guys out too...My wife might kill me since that will be the first weeekend I haven't worked!!!!! Then again she could go and enjoy the shopping and night life activities of Santa Rosa.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Hey, by then you'll be AI Divedoggie...WooHooo!
Ocean One:
If the weather report is good, I might have to drag out the dry suit and join you guys, if this is an open event???? See if I can't drag a few other guys out too...My wife might kill me since that will be the first weeekend I haven't worked!!!!! Then again she could go and enjoy the shopping and night life activities of Santa Rosa.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Hey, by then you'll be AI Divedoggie...WooHooo!

This is an OPEN event. Competition of course is expected, so barrel rolls, spit in jug, you get the idea. This of course is many steps beyond the Santa Rosa crowd!

PM if you want to go down. Never know what will happen. As DiveDoggie said, weather can shut the whole thing down. Not so much cold, but just snow on the pass.

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