Blue Heron Bridge Trolls

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High tide was very early. We got to the park 6:30 ish and started our dive at 7:15. Viz was between 20-25 feet and h2o temp-75. We dove the west side and ventured out to the end just before the channel. Lots of activity. Spotted moray, file fish that someone just showed a post or 2 ago, jaw fish, bumble bee shrimp, octopus, coral banded shrimp and lots of urchins... and overall pretty nice conditions. Current got a bit strong towards the end as expected. Managed to enjoy a 115 minute dive. Parking was plentiful and for sure, conditions for divers (aside from cold weather) were pretty good. Very likely because it was just too early for most divers. We did see a few groups, in total, 20 divers or so at the park yesterday AM.
Here are a few shots from last weekend at "The Bridge". Kevin (mntlblok) found the Yellowhead Jawfish and I got these shots. I actually found the Squat Urchin Shrimp, and Bumblebee Shrimp on my own. I guess my old eyes must be improving.

BHB January 2013 - a set on Flickr

This video of the Jawfish was taken with my iPhone in a Watershot enclosure. I'm pretty impressed with the quality, and it'll focus to maybe six inches. Better than a GoPro. I had a liitle problem with the Watershot App failing, but figured out how to set up the iPhone camera app to work effectively. The occasional flash is Kevin taking still shots while I was taking video.

Yellowhead Jawfish - YouTube

Hey john,
How did you get your box planted so well. Did you just rest it on the bottom?
Just started using the H3 for vids and your right about how close you can get...but I just bought the blurfix adapter which takes 55mm closeup filters. can't wait to try it out. ( still waiting for the adapter and filters )
Hey john,
How did you get your box planted so well. Did you just rest it on the bottom?

Sez his little tripod is starting to rust, already. Claims it's so cheap that it's disposable. Back to carrying two cameras - at least until I get my warn-out strobe batteries replaced. . .

IMG_2723wa rusty tripod.jpg
I have one of those little flexible leg tripods and there's a threaded mount on the bottom of the enclosure. The problem with this tripod is that the flex legs are made of steel and have already started to rust. Regardless, it's compact and doesn't get in my way. I carry the iPhone enclosure with a lanyard around my wrist. Sunpak Tabletop Tripod with Flexible Legs 620-786 B&H Photo I see that there are some plastic flex tripods out there. Maybe I'll give one of them a try.
wow, for that price you could pick up a few, who cares if they rust? Best Buy has the flex ones for 14.99!
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Night dive with Force-E at the bridge was great. Tons of amazing life! I'll see if I can get up some photos/video. Conditions were great all round (75 water temp, great viz).
I need additional references, neither the Humann book or the Smithsonian app listed the sharpnose filefish. Google failed me as well; found some stuff about a filefish that mimics the sharpnose puffer.

Beautiful day today, 40 ft vis. at times I am guessing. I could see all the way through the east bridge for a bit anyway. 76 degrees. Of interest to me were more mystery filefish, 3 jacknife fish, 2 spotted eagle rays, one large southern stingray, handful of yellow stingrays, hogfish, shortnose batfish, spotted moray, a giant cowrie, and this torpedo-of-a-fish sitting in the sand (checkered puffer?)
Where are they located???

---------- Post added January 27th, 2013 at 12:31 PM ----------

I am thinking Sharpnose Filefish.
Great conditions for the sunday night dive, an easy 25 foot viz early on. Octopus, lionfish,
spotted eels, sea slugs, small southern ray, and all the other usual suspects. Pretty comfortable
in a 3 mm with 1 mm hooded vest but did get a bit cool at one point. Thanks again to Force-E for
hosting these night dives !
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