Blue Heron Bridge Trolls

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If you look *real* close down in the bottom right hand corner, I think you might see a teensy little lancer dragonet in this video from this past Sunday. Tiny lancer dragonet - YouTube

Kevin, awesome hanging with you and Brian!:D You are a hoot, and so is John. Let's do it again sometime, but wait for me to get a 120 and 5 mil so I can stay down three hours!

There is a picture above that I posted. Any idea what kind of Dragonet it is?
Kevin, awesome hanging with you and Brian!:D You are a hoot, and so is John. Let's do it again sometime, but wait for me to get a 120 and 5 mil so I can stay down three hours!

There is a picture above that I posted. Any idea what kind of Dragonet it is?

I've been eying those white, steel 149 cf tanks at Force E. Five hours, maybe?? :D The cold ran me out early on Saturday, too. Somebody reported 71º and I believe it.

Lancer Dragonet is all I've ever heard of at the bridge. I can't tell from yer pic whether it's a male or a female, but suspect male. When the males get all dressed up, they are *really* cool looking. The Smithsonian iPhone app lists four species of dragonet for south Florida, but the other three don't look familiar to me.

Always fun down yonder. :D

Oh, and more from that same hole: Yellowhead jawfish with eggs - YouTube And, yeah, I know it's too long. Anybody want to offer to edit it for me? I'm way too lazy. . .
Looks like you could use better lights.
Still haven't made it back up.
Dusting off the 7ml and heavy weights....
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I've been eying those white, steel 149 cf tanks at Force E. Five hours, maybe?? :D The cold ran me out early on Saturday, too. Somebody reported 71º and I believe it.

Lancer Dragonet is all I've ever heard of at the bridge. I can't tell from yer pic whether it's a male or a female, but suspect male. When the males get all dressed up, they are *really* cool looking. The Smithsonian iPhone app lists four species of dragonet for south Florida, but the other three don't look familiar to me.

Always fun down yonder. :D

Oh, and more from that same hole: Yellowhead jawfish with eggs - YouTube And, yeah, I know it's too long. Anybody want to offer to edit it for me? I'm way too lazy. . .

The Jawfish video is awesome Kevin. I am still forgetting that the EM-5 shoots great 1080P. I gotta write that down somewhere..
Looks like you could use better lights.
Still haven't made it back up.
Dusting off the 7ml and heavy weights....

Lights? We don't need no stinkin lights. :D

I woulda settled for being out from under the shadow of the bridge in water that shallow. There was plenty of light for the short video of the juvenile yellowhead that wasn't too far away. Sadly, you can't really tell how small he is in the video. What I *really* need is something that will autofocus quickly and accurately up close whilst in video mode. :(

I could barely walk to the water with all the dern weight in my pockets, and I didn't even *have* seven mils worth of wetsuit. I've made a habit of sticking loose sinkers into my BC pocket when I run across them, and I fear they've started to add up. :) I'm even considering breaking down and looking to see what all *is* inside those pockets sometime. . .

---------- Post added January 24th, 2013 at 01:00 PM ----------

The Jawfish video is awesome Kevin. I am still forgetting that the EM-5 shoots great 1080P. I gotta write that down somewhere..

I don't know. It's pretty scary to start tampering with all them buttons down there. Always makes me start breathing too fast and falling all over stuff. :D
Here are a few shots from last weekend at "The Bridge". Kevin (mntlblok) found the Yellowhead Jawfish and I got these shots. I actually found the Squat Urchin Shrimp, and Bumblebee Shrimp on my own. I guess my old eyes must be improving.

BHB January 2013 - a set on Flickr

This video of the Jawfish was taken with my iPhone in a Watershot enclosure. I'm pretty impressed with the quality, and it'll focus to maybe six inches. Better than a GoPro. I had a liitle problem with the Watershot App failing, but figured out how to set up the iPhone camera app to work effectively. The occasional flash is Kevin taking still shots while I was taking video.

Yellowhead Jawfish - YouTube
Awesome shots John! Great meeting you..

Here are a few shots from last weekend at "The Bridge". Kevin (mntlblok) found the Yellowhead Jawfish and I got these shots. I actually found the Squat Urchin Shrimp, and Bumblebee Shrimp on my own. I guess my old eyes must be improving.

BHB January 2013 - a set on Flickr

This video of the Jawfish was taken with my iPhone in a Watershot enclosure. I'm pretty impressed with the quality, and it'll focus to maybe six inches. Better than a GoPro. I had a liitle problem with the Watershot App failing, but figured out how to set up the iPhone camera app to work effectively. The occasional flash is Kevin taking still shots while I was taking video.

Yellowhead Jawfish - YouTube
Nice pictures John.
The video is a little soft, but you might get better focus with a light (even with Kev's incessant strobes):D
I like the Sola as they are compact and lightweight which work as a focus light or video light, white or red with 3 power options.
Meantime maybe you could have someone:shakehead: hold their modeling light on your subject and that might eliminant that artsy strobing effect.....
Really like your urchin squattie pictures, they are tough to get in focus just right. Hope to catch you guys on your next visit.
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