Blue Heron Bridge Trolls

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Filefish ID

Been seeing these filefish at the bridge the last couple weekends along with the scrawled filefish. It doesn't seem to match up with any in my fish book; can someone help me out?
Any reports on the conditions for friday nights night dive or the early high tide saturday ?
Considering the night dive sunday night. I was at the bridge mid day saturday probably
closer to low tide and looked pretty fair just wondering if anyone caught the early tide
saturday or sunday.
View attachment 145772

Hadn't noticed that there was a fourth jawfish in the pic until going through them on the puter this evening. . .
Where are they located???

---------- Post added January 27th, 2013 at 12:31 PM ----------

Been seeing these filefish at the bridge the last couple weekends along with the scrawled filefish. It doesn't seem to match up with any in my fish book; can someone help me out?

I am thinking Sharpnose Filefish.
Where are they located???

Near the bottom. :) Actually, I'd be embarrassed to admit how turned around I was at the time in the poor viz. It *wasn't* where I had intended to be. . .
Near the bottom. :) Actually, I'd be embarrassed to admit how turned around I was at the time in the poor viz. It *wasn't* where I had intended to be. . .

I had your back... I did see four as well, but with an effective 120mm length I found it hard to get them all without backing up 15 feet!
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