Blue Heron Bridge Trolls

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Another from yesterday, cute little guy.


Here is the LBTS webcam:
Windjammer - Lauderdale-By-The-Sea Beach Cam
Fun day at the bridge today. Took my wife, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter on their first BHB experience. Dove the west side and for as many divers as were around, saw very few. Found a juvy batfish - perhaps 3" long and with the long rostrum. Several other mature batfish, pair of dragonets, a tiny bumblebee shrimp, and lots of the usual bridge inhabitants. Dropped the cold daughter-in-law off after an hour and went south to the boats, shopping carts, etc. Granddaughter happened upon a stargazer. Quite a find. Spent the last 10 minutes or so with it, then headed in. We had a blast. First time diving the bridge without a camera - quite a different experience for me. One other special find was a juvenile (infantile) fish that was either a baby batfish or an extremely small frogfish. Could have fit on the end of a pencil eraser - light beige to white in color and shaped more frogfish-like than batfish. I've seen and photographed small frogfish before and this was definitley the smallest I've seen - if it was a frogfish. And me without a camera... That would have been a challenge even with my 105 and +10 diopter. All-in-all a great day at the bridge even if the the vis was a bit off (<20') and temperature a bit down (consistent 71º). Back again tomorrow - haven't decided on taking camera or continuing the tour with my granddaughter. Have to admit that she's more fun than the camera!
Fun day at the bridge today. Took my wife, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter on their first BHB experience. Dove the west side and for as many divers as were around, saw very few. Found a juvy batfish - perhaps 3" long and with the long rostrum. Several other mature batfish, pair of dragonets, a tiny bumblebee shrimp, and lots of the usual bridge inhabitants. Dropped the cold daughter-in-law off after an hour and went south to the boats, shopping carts, etc. Granddaughter happened upon a stargazer. Quite a find. Spent the last 10 minutes or so with it, then headed in. We had a blast. First time diving the bridge without a camera - quite a different experience for me. One other special find was a juvenile (infantile) fish that was either a baby batfish or an extremely small frogfish. Could have fit on the end of a pencil eraser - light beige to white in color and shaped more frogfish-like than batfish. I've seen and photographed small frogfish before and this was definitley the smallest I've seen - if it was a frogfish. And me without a camera... That would have been a challenge even with my 105 and +10 diopter. All-in-all a great day at the bridge even if the the vis was a bit off (<20') and temperature a bit down (consistent 71º). Back again tomorrow - haven't decided on taking camera or continuing the tour with my granddaughter. Have to admit that she's more fun than the camera!

Yer a lucky man. :D
Not sure which dragonette that is, but that's what I'm thinking it is.

Thanks Allison, I am too old and slow, and was unable to get him with his fins raised. He would do it so quickly! I have seen the Moyers, but this is certainly a different color.
I found a little gopro camera at the BHB and I would like to find the rightful owner. The camera was powered ON which leads me to speculate that it lost its owner today (Saturday January 19). If you lost a gopro, or know someone that did, please let me know through a personal message and will gladly help get that camera back to where it belongs.
I found a little gopro camera at the BHB and I would like to find the rightful owner. The camera was powered ON which leads me to speculate that it lost its owner today (Saturday January 19). If you lost a gopro, or know someone that did, please let me know through a personal message and will gladly help get that camera back to where it belongs.

There is also a very active BHB fan page on Facebook. If you haven't heard from the owner yet you might also want to post there. And let the two local shops know: Force E and Pura Vida. A woman left all her gear on a picnic table not long ago - I think she was reunited through one of the shops.
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