Blue Heron Bridge Trolls

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Does anybody know if Force-E is doing a night dive Saturday to Sunday?
There is one planned friday night.
Quick post. Vis was down to about 10 ft., water temps 73° :cold: But was blessed with my first find of a bumblebee shrimp! Woot!!
What did I cheat at this time?
What did I cheat at this time?

You didn't cheat Jenny ... Kevin is just jealous. :wink:

It was quite the dive today. My computer said 75 but it felt really cold so I'm going with Jenny's 73. And vis was down: 10 ft and murky. But the frogfish again! That makes two dives in a row!! And octopuses, pipefish, jawfish, pike blenny, the bumblebee shrimp, plus the usual.
4-30 1.jpg 4-30 2.jpg
Jealousy.. figures! :D

---------- Post added April 30th, 2012 at 09:51 PM ----------

Bumblebee shrimp.. taken by the other J
We got blown out in the keys so we're in West Palm early. Anyone diving the bridge this afternoon?
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