Blue Heron Bridge Trolls

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you two will need to point me in the right direction as I must be looking for love in all the wrong places.
Of course if I dive with the buoyancy babes you know the critters will be crawling out of the woodwork to show off....
Yesterday I dove the rock pile reefs off of the Marriott Ocean Palms again... On the swim out, we were intersected by a school of tarpon that was maybe 4 wide and thousands went on for over a minute. Huge fish, paying little attention to us. Depth of water was about 10 feet.
And of course it figures, I did NOT have my camera @$$%^!!! :)

This weekend....this reef system is easiest to access from the Public beach, parking at thye ocean mall.
Look at Google Earth or can see the first shallower set of reefs closer to the public the end of the shallow set, as far out as it gets, is where the deeper series I have been diving starts. There is coral growing on some of the rocks already, and lots of fish will take some of you guys to figure out if it has the nudibranchs or other specialty subkects macro divers look for at the BHB.
The BHB will be crowded from time to time the ocean is flat, and BHB is too crowded, this COULD BE Plan B !
you two will need to point me in the right direction as I must be looking for love in all the wrong places.
Of course if I dive with the buoyancy babes you know the critters will be crawling out of the woodwork to show off....

We are still talking about Pike blennies, right?
Be happy to show you anytime, your a lot closer than Kevin:D
you two will need to point me in the right direction as I must be looking for love in all the wrong places.
Of course if I dive with the buoyancy babes you know the critters will be crawling out of the woodwork to show off....

and of course if Joanie's there, it will be R rated showing off....
Good diving today. Very nice viz early on and midway through dropped off a bit in the slightly
deeper areas. Back in the flats it was clear as can be and a very nice blue. I showed 79F for a
temp most of the dive and after checking my log showed 78F. The usual suspects out and about
and I noticed some large congregations of grunts schooling up and posing as if they were in
the keys. Another good day at the bridge.
Yesterday I dove the rock pile reefs off of the Marriott Ocean Palms again... On the swim out, we were intersected by a school of tarpon that was maybe 4 wide and thousands went on for over a minute. Huge fish, paying little attention to us. Depth of water was about 10 feet.
And of course it figures, I did NOT have my camera @$$%^!!! :)

This weekend....this reef system is easiest to access from the Public beach, parking at thye ocean mall.
Look at Google Earth or can see the first shallower set of reefs closer to the public the end of the shallow set, as far out as it gets, is where the deeper series I have been diving starts. There is coral growing on some of the rocks already, and lots of fish will take some of you guys to figure out if it has the nudibranchs or other specialty subkects macro divers look for at the BHB.
The BHB will be crowded from time to time the ocean is flat, and BHB is too crowded, this COULD BE Plan B !

Dan: just to clarify.... are you parking in the public beach parking lot?

If so, have any lifeguards attempted to stop you from entering the water with your scuba gear?

I was told by one of the guys at Force-E that you had to wait to dive these artificial rock piles until 5:00 or 6:00 when the life guards are off duty. Looks like a dive here might not be doable this weekend given the marine forecast, but I think it looks like an interesting site for some future dive.

Is this a slack high tide dive only or can you dive it on an incoming or outgoing tide?

Dan: just to clarify.... are you parking in the public beach parking lot?

If so, have any lifeguards attempted to stop you from entering the water with your scuba gear?

I was told by one of the guys at Force-E that you had to wait to dive these artificial rock piles until 5:00 or 6:00 when the life guards are off duty. Looks like a dive here might not be doable this weekend given the marine forecast, but I think it looks like an interesting site for some future dive.

Is this a slack high tide dive only or can you dive it on an incoming or outgoing tide?

I can actually get a pass to park next to the Marriott at the property immediately to it's south ( Akrin or Afrin or something like that...but this is not available to the public)....What is available is parking at the Ocean Mall/Public Beach.
You would not have to walk north all the way down to the Ocean Palms, but could begin near the north side of the Public beach...
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