Blue Heron Bridge Trolls

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I have only dived on the further out section in front of the Marriott Ocean Palms....I have heard from Sean ( former captain of Jim Abernethy's boat Deep Obsession), that the shallow stuff further south is worth while also....that many people dive it first, then move on to the deeper part I have dived.

The easiest way to try this to decide if you like it, may be to snorkel it the first time.....very little to carry...However, I really believe anyone that likes the BHB will like this beach dive on a flat day.
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If you went from Marriott Oceana Palms, you would walk out from the beach concession shack....and go a little diagonally south as you walk is shallow a long way, so for many it would be smarter to walk as far as possible.
Current is small, to the north, but the walking erases it from the equation. Once it is too deep to walk any more, you are close to the limestone ledge....after you pass over it, you only have about a minute of swimming to get to the rockpile islands.
Would love to do this dive. We need to hook up some time.. when the dang wind is not blowing.. grrhhh
Would love to do this dive. We need to hook up some time.. when the dang wind is not blowing.. grrhhh

The first time the wind is not blowing ( or it is going West), lets hook up...If you guys go with me, we can park very close to the best part of the diving. I will come up with some wheel barrows with ballon tires, or equivalent for the gear. I really want to get a bunch of the BHB regulars, or "irregulars", to see this reef area....with all the increased population of divers at the BHB, this is the next logical place for us to spread out to for good shore diving. If we ever were to get a really big group, we could get the beach concession people to move everything for us, for peanuts, and make this extremely easy. All it takes is a plan :)
Sounds good to me!!!
i'll be making my first dive at the bridge tomorrow the 14th in the afternoon - iv'e got a white F250 crew with topper on it so that's easy to see.
Good conditions again friday. Maybe down just a bit from thursday. Toward the end of dive I could actually see
the viz dropping off to the north of small bridge while the south side was still blue water. The temps seem to be
closer to 79F than 78F. About 90 minutes today with 3mm and a beanie and as comfy as can be throughout
the dive.
I was hoping to do weight checks in my summer rig. (didn't I just do that for my winter rig?).

Alas I was late getting stuff to my CPA for my daughter's return. I'll be sitting in his WPB office like a kid that was called before the principal at 2:30.

---------- Post added April 13th, 2012 at 06:10 PM ----------

Oh. Idive; post quickly. You are at 666. :)
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