Blue Heron Bridge Trolls

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Heh, you're welcome! Personally, I tend to lose lefthand gloves for some reason. Maybe I should start putting my phone number on those.

On another note, I saw this beastie lurking around the shipping container-type structure west of the docks. I've been seeing lionfish a lot more regularly. Is it generally frowned upon to have a spear at the bridge (provided you stay away from the fishing areas)?

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Spearing is prohibited on the site (read the thread about 10 pages back with a link to rules here) but I'm sure no one would give you grief if you had a "lion tamer"
Here is the link I mentioned:
still waiting on an id for that shrimp or commentary, jim....

This is from a couple months ago falling under my favorite category:
strange behavior
Burrowing Shrimp on Vimeo

My limited experience has been that if a BHB creature is working on a burrow, they are likely to completely ignore me - even the very most, otherwise, skittish ones. Is there a rule about this or something? :D

Had the nicest wait staff at this restaurant last trip down. Took our pitcher real nice - me with three of my heroes.


Spearing is prohibited on the site (read the thread about 10 pages back with a link to rules here) but I'm sure no one would give you grief if you had a "lion tamer"
Here is the link I mentioned: Harvesting of Tropical Fish

Do us a favor and don't advocate illegal spear fishing. It can be helpful to monitor species like the lionfish in a "no take" area to see their impact. Thanks
Thanks Jim. I looked for quite awhile without much luck.

Kevin- kinda scary.......:D

---------- Post added April 10th, 2012 at 05:50 PM ----------

Do us a favor and don't advocate illegal spear fishing. It can be helpful to monitor species like the lionfish in a "no take" area to see their impact. Thanks

Having cut open a LOT of lionfish I can tell you their impact....
Do us a favor and don't advocate illegal spear fishing. It can be helpful to monitor species like the lionfish in a "no take" area to see their impact. Thanks

I did not in any way advocate for spear fishing and in fact you will find my posts are against the practice at the bridge. (As an aside, I gave up underwater hunting 16 years ago)

I do know that "the powers that be" are trying to diminish the threat of this dangerously invasive species and are exploring options like using the "lion tamer" at the bridge.

It may be a mixed message, but I don't equate spearfishing and nuisance eradication as the same thing.
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Kevin- kinda scary.......:D

My thoughts, precisely.


How to hold a fish.jpg
showin the kid how to hold the fish he caught - which he was afraid to hold. . .
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