Blue Heron Bridge Trolls

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Had a great full moon night dive Friday.
A little under 3 hours with great vis, still a little cold by the end in my 5 ml but we didn't swim much.
The sea hare was great as it was really galloping along and would free swim for short bursts, (sigh) more video to edit....
Lots of cool nudies including some laying eggs.
The last one pictured is one I've never seen before and was so tiny I couldn't see it even with my spotter pointing at it!

Great stuff! Is that also a little crab in there with the tiny nudi??


---------- Post added April 9th, 2012 at 01:27 PM ----------

Some shots from Sat. morning.....
Lots more divers and some with bad manners....
Still a great dive.
Had to come home a day early due to family emergency so no Sat night-Sun morning dives as planned.
Another time.

Yer spotter just ain't right. :D

Hope all is well with the family. . .

Had a great full moon night dive Friday.
A little under 3 hours with great vis, still a little cold by the end in my 5 ml but we didn't swim much.
The sea hare was great as it was really galloping along and would free swim for short bursts, (sigh) more video to edit....
Lots of cool nudies including some laying eggs.
The last one pictured is one I've never seen before and was so tiny I couldn't see it even with my spotter pointing at it!

Nice Cerberilla

Some shots from Sat. morning.....
Lots more divers and some with bad manners....
Still a great dive.
Had to come home a day early due to family emergency so no Sat night-Sun morning dives as planned.
Another time.

Nice find on the Favorinus auritulus!
Thanks, Kev that crab was ridiculously small and is what caught Kelly's attention.
I'm still trying to sort them by Anne's book but will accept charity if someone wants to assign them proper names like picture 1 etc.
Like which is the favorinis?
I had a fine dive today at the bridge...Kathy got back in the water after a 6 month vacation.
We had to cut things short because she had some equipment troubles, but the water was lovely at 79 and the viz was about 20-25 feet. We saw a bunch of blennies and scorpionfish but didn't have time for a frogfish hunt...
I just love the colors in this image of a seaweed blenny.

Blue Heron Bridge Seaweed Blenny.jpg

I'll be back Thursday for a longer dive, after all I need to work toward 300 BHB dives now.:dance3:
This is from a couple months ago falling under my favorite category:
strange behavior
On a side note if any trolls can give me a specific id on this rascal it would be appreciated.
Seen similar but never with this coloration or attitude.
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A couple divers


Hi ScubaJenny ... That was actually me (binski) and my student from Germany! Glad you got the photo! We were trying to keep our distance and not spook the Lions as I figured you had that in mind. :wink: Glad someone got them. Cheers!
Hi ScubaJenny ... That was actually me (binski) and my student from Germany! Glad you got the photo! We were trying to keep our distance and not spook the Lions as I figured you had that in mind. :wink: Glad someone got them. Cheers!
How cool is that. Small world.
Cool Beans! good to hear a positive ID on that. You guys were so picturesque going past, I had to take a chance at a shot.. and it worked! Love it when that happens!
Thanks, Kev that crab was ridiculously small and is what caught Kelly's attention.
I'm still trying to sort them by Anne's book but will accept charity if someone wants to assign them proper names like picture 1 etc.
Like which is the favorinis?

Tried to link the pics but couldn't. Images 3 & 4 in post 1910. They eat the eggs of other nudis to keep other populations down. They get their coloration based on what nudi eggs they eat.
...and thanks again to the fellow from NC who called to tell me I left my flag behind (which also generated one of those dive buddy - "I thought YOU put it in the car!" - conversations).

Putting my cell no on my stuff paid off today..

Heh, you're welcome! Personally, I tend to lose lefthand gloves for some reason. Maybe I should start putting my phone number on those.

On another note, I saw this beastie lurking around the shipping container-type structure west of the docks. I've been seeing lionfish a lot more regularly. Is it generally frowned upon to have a spear at the bridge (provided you stay away from the fishing areas)?

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