Blue Heron Bridge Trolls

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Viz and cirri

Still slogging through way too many pics from last month's trip. Had forgotten how great the viz was on my birthday tour with John Casey.


And, is there no cirrus limit on these things??

Dove with friends today...stargazer, baby octos, a yellowhead jawfish that I watched dance for 10 minutes or so...gosh, what a graceful creature, and a baby lobster nursery.

A lovely day to dive with friends.

...and thanks again to the fellow from NC who called to tell me I left my flag behind (which also generated one of those dive buddy - "I thought YOU put it in the car!" - conversations).

Putting my cell no on my stuff paid off today..
i'm finally going next saturday afternoon! can't wait.. (what? it's a long drive up and diesel is expensive!)
It's only a long drive cause we are so spoiled. :)
Nope. Not the buffalo trunkfish. He has the shape of a cowfish sans the "horns" and has distinctive black on his side. Joanie knows what kind it is.. she took a photo a while back...

Cool! Make her tell us! :D


Jenny - Are you thinking of this photo? I was going to say spotted trunkfish but I don't think that's right. They have black spots. So I don't know ... sorry. I remember our conversation with Suzan at Quizno's and looking at photos in her book. But cannot remember the name.

Yep. that's him! And yes, he is in Susan's book..
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