Blue Heron Bridge Trolls

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Dang It! All these cool critter pics and I have to wait another 13 days until my next BHB dive!!!!! UUGGHHHHHHHH :banghead:
AADBS - I think we have a new diagnosable "disorder".

I'm heading up tomorrow morning. I have intel that could take me west, south or east. Already, with 24 hours to go, I'm feeling overwhelmed about how much there is to see.
Here are a couple pics from Sunday's dive.....a batfish with his "Lure?" out....and some weird egg looking things....


It does look alot like the striped burrfishbut I have shots from above that show the dark spots on top that the striped burrfish doesn't have.

Thanks, if you get a chance to post I would like to see what you mean.
The photo in the Human book shows a lattice like web pattern visible on the face, but maybe I have seen them and just didn't know.
Going through more of the shots from Friday. No doubt, at this point, that it was best dive *ever*. My routing is to go through the shots in Canon's "Digital Photo Professional" software that allows me to do a "click" to get reasonable "white balance" on any potential "keepers" prior to going to Photoshop in order to do "most" of the post-processing. It's looking like it could be *weeks* before I ever get to Photoshop. *Everything* seems to be a "keeper" from that dive. I'm just wallowing in pure joy going through this stuff, wishing someone who could appreciate were here with me as I do it. :D OK. Here's a few of a scalp (not scallop) massage.

As to the video, I just don't know. Will be interesting to see how video evolves on the web. Just seems to be an *awful* lot of *work*. I don't think I "like" work. :D


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Well Kevin it was your birthday after all....
Glad we got so lucky, that was the most squatties I've seen in one spot.
Will post some vid or pics when I have time.
Oh my gosh, what a cute pic! I know it's not supposed to be "cute" but there are a bunch of smilie faces in that photo!

are they "not fighting?"

Jenny from my video review they appear to be fighting, they were a cantankerous bunch.
Funny some would siddle up to another one without issue, others they would take immediate offense and start wrestling.
I can give you a good location if you want to pm me.
Here are a couple pics from Sunday's dive.....a batfish with his "Lure?" out....

You photoshopped that "lure" in there, didn't you? :D Had no idea they had that as part of their anatomy. Pretty cool.

Beautiful dawn dive with Jim this morning. Temp 77 with viz easily 60+ feet. Lots of octopus, including these two who were very close together and had a "just smoked a cigarette" look about them. If you know what I'm saying.

Besides the usual we also saw a spotted eagle ray, a small southern ray and this huge school of jacks. They let Jim swim right into the middle of them.

Night divers: you're in for a treat. Conditions couldn't be better!

octo.jpg octo2.jpg jim&jacks2.jpg Jim&jacks.jpg
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