Bills Cozumel pictures

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You've got some keepers in there.
Hey bill! The colors in your pictures are just awesome. Were you using some sort of light? I especialy liked the pic of the eel. Kewl.
Really awesome stuff! So how many sharks were hanging out? I see you got your Ray. That ought to keep the girl happy. And WHAT the heck is that Paradise Cage all about?
Were the nurse sharks at Cedral Wall?

What kinda point and shoot did you use, an MX 10? Turned out some good pics.
We saw sharks all over the place.

We actually dropped in on top of a nurse shark on Cedral, punta sur, and Columbia Shallows. The pics are mostly from the ones we saw in cedral and the big one from paradise.

I dont know what that cage is all about but it is just 20 yds off the start of paradise right by the cruise pier. There are also big concrete homes, like artificial reefs just south and out from there as well. Wierd Stuff!

I was using a MX-5 point and shoot w/o any filter.

Oh, oh, oh.....I added a new Canon S330 digital point and shoot w/ housing to the fun. Picked it up yesterday.

...wish mine from Cozumel would come out as well.

BTW -- the fish in No. 24 (Prettyfish.jpg) is a Queen Angelfish.

Thanks for the info. I am still learning the names of all the fish we normally see. I need to go out and buy the reef fish and animal books to help in identification.

Nice job, Bill. You have some good photos in there.

Remember closer is better and always try to "shoot up" at your subject-like you did witht the Green Moray- makes them look more dramatic.

Well done. Welcome to the headache and heartache filled world of U/W photography. You've had some good results so I think you'll be hooked. U/W photography is emotionally and finacially draining....but rewarding.

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