Positive aspects being a woman scuba diver:
Females, healthy and nonsmokers, generally, last a lot longer than men with the same size scuba tank, example, my female Instructor, with a 10 liter tank lasts a lot longer than myself with a 12 liter tank, so, for me, to last the same as herself, I need to be using a 15 liter scuba tank. Of course, the lack of experience, and also being a sedentary and overweight person does NOT help at all in air consumption, but she's a petite woman were a 15 liter tank is way to heavy, being 5.3 foot and 99 pounds, on the other side I have almost 6 feet and weight around 220 pounds, and sometimes even dive with a 18 liter tank that weights 44 pounds, for me to have her performance of bottom time, I need to be really heavy!
I feel that women have an extreme lack of resilience against cold water, It's horrible, seen countless times women aborting the dive and make us go up cause they are almost in hypothermia, when I was just using a wetsuit of 3 mm in 59 Fahrenheit water, I do enjoy cold water... makes all my senses sharp and ready.