You could also look into doing a Discover Scuba at home, then if you like that and can fit it in consider doing the class before Cayman and the referral dives when you're there. It depends what you're trying to get out of an intro. At home it's likely to be a pool experience that gives you a chance to learn a few basic things and get to breath UW, but not a chance to dive in warm water with pretty fish. So are you trying to just figure out if you're ok getting UW, or wanting to be lured into the sport by the critters.
My husband talked to the owner of the dive shop where he gets his equipment serviced and the owner said he'd let me get in the pool before we go to see if I do okay with breathing UW. If that goes well, I still plan on doing the Discover course in Grand Cayman to see how well I do with a shallow reef dive. I don't have time to start the certification before we go, but if all goes well, I'll have plenty of time to get certified before Bonaire next year. I've decided to go with Living the Dream Divers since they do their AM course earlier than most other dive shops.