The trouble with all the WeBarf and fun big women is remembering what it was that it stood for.
I do a toe-to head flow. Just go through everything you see from bottom to top and you cover everything.
Start low:
All buckles done up, weights (Release?), fins present in hand or on feet, SPG/console clipped on? Knife?
Chest area:
If female, oogle
; check all clips, necklaced secondary or octo - check operation (3 breaths, watch SPG). Check Inflator operation (inflate and deflate). While asking for demonstration of necklaced secondary / octopus release, check hands for instruments present and gloves worn.
Screwed on right?
Mask present? check primary regulator (3 breaths, watch SPG)
Look into eyes and ask "Ready?"
Site specific briefing, buddy assignment etc. was before the buddy check, same as discussing the plan. Formation is decided in the water before submerging.
No weird acronyms to remember, and there is a logical sequence to it.
Just my €0,016.