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if you're that hardcore into it, i would suggest further training and gue, but if you're not even an instructor.. you really shouldnt be spouting ideas to new divers...
..and what qualifies you to give people advice that they shouldn't be giving advice? Let's hear about your credentials in this area.

People should not voice their opinion about something because they're not paid to teach it? Jezzuz.
i dont want to be a prude or anything. but according to your profile on SB (which could be updated) Padi AOW????
I would refuse to create a page for new divers to read... when im also new.

What about PADI AOW? I notice you didn't really finish that thought and was wondering what you meant by it...

If i was to say anything to any new diver it would be.. relax, check air and watch bouyancy and have fun, the certified instructor will let them know what to do next.

Ok. So you are criticising someone who you have labelled inexperienced (I am guessing that is what the PADI AOW comment was about) for giving advice and then following that up with your own advice to new divers. Seeing as others have critiqued Slonda's website and suggestions, I'll critique yours as well. It is all very nice to say to people to 'relax' 'watch buoyancy' etc, but you haven't actually said anything about how one should achieve those goals. Slonda has put together training ideas as well as links to sources from places like DAN, so has actually tried to provide practical suggestions to people for improving their water comfort.

It is his opinion and he can say whatever he wants regardless of qualifications. Others can respond however they want, regardless of qualifications. It is so surprising to me here that people think that only instructors can have opinions on training. One can be an instructor with only 100 dives!!! And one of the big topics on scubaboard is poor training standards, so that implies to me a lot of people aren't very happy with how their instructors or their agencies run things, leaving room for other instructors and divers to step in with suggestions for improvement.

if you're that hardcore into it, i would suggest further training and gue, but if you're not even an instructor.. you really shouldnt be spouting ideas to new divers...

Again, for someone who feels that only experienced people should comment on training, you are doing an awful lot of commenting and suggesting yourself... Which is fine, but don't knock other people ("you really shouldnt be spouting ideas to new divers") for doing the exact same thing as what you are doing now...
Well, for starters.. i dont come off sounding pretentious in anyway.

Ok seriously, you know this guy is telling EVERYONE to go check out his site before prepping for diving.

Dont you think he might be turning off some people from enjoying a wonderful hobbie? A hobbie that honestly (depending on where you go) all you really need to do is use a 1/2 of your brain to do to pass perfectly?

Diving isnt hard and following some guidelines that are not coming from an expirienced diver with proper credentials is pretty retarded.

Diving requires attention and has no room for super heros.

I pass good points on to new divers just like anyone else here.. but i dont make a freakin website about it! it's a forum!

I have no credentials.. or at least any valid ones, and I wouldnt praise my own skill by creating site that has "perfect" tips for pre diving. I'm sure his opinions are valued and welcomed, but i would much rather have them read off by someone in the position to do it.

"oi, i cant swim 25m.. i'm not going to dive.. THANK YOU SIR!" That's pure stupid.
I'm planning to go full on for training and eventually fundies.. with my lacking expiriences i can see why you guys have the arguements.. but even with proper training and more expirience.. i would still stand by my arguement....
Dont you think he might be turning off some people from enjoying a wonderful hobbie?
So what if he is?

A hobbie that honestly (depending on where you go) all you really need to do is use a 1/2 of your brain to do to pass perfectly?
And, as far as many divers are concerned, only need half of your brain to go diving too.

Diving isnt hard and following some guidelines that are not coming from an expirienced diver with proper credentials is pretty retarded.

Diving requires attention
...but only half a brain's worth.

and has no room for super heros.

I pass good points on to new divers just like anyone else here..
Doesn't that conflict with your previous statement about not expressing opinions about something if you're not an instructor? "but if you're not even an instructor.. you really shouldnt be spouting ideas to new divers..." - that's what you said, right?

but i dont make a freakin website about it! it's a forum!

I have no credentials.. or at least any valid ones

and I wouldnt praise my own skill by creating site that has "perfect" tips for pre diving. I'm sure his opinions are valued and welcomed, but i would much rather have them read off by someone in the position to do it.
He did it. Obviously he is in a position to do it.

"oi, i cant swim 25m.. i'm not going to dive.. THANK YOU SIR!" That's pure stupid.
achieve proper bouyancy goals??? are you serious!?!?!? man, i read that chapter over like 20 times and I still dont understand the way of gaining proper bouyancy but at depth, im staying still and floating with perfect trim.
So to answer that question.. dive dive dive and dive some more...
Ok seriously, you know this guy is telling EVERYONE to go check out his site before prepping for diving.

Hey, make sure you check out my site before prepping for diving. There, now I have told everyone. :rofl3:
So what if he is?

And, as far as many divers are concerned, only need half of your brain to go diving too.


...but only half a brain's worth.


Doesn't that conflict with your previous statement about not expressing opinions about something if you're not an instructor? "but if you're not even an instructor.. you really shouldnt be spouting ideas to new divers..." - that's what you said, right?



He did it. Obviously he is in a position to do it.


ok.. well, come diving here some time.. let's see a master work! :)
You know, I can see disagreeing with what Slonda might have to say. I might even disagree with some of it myself. Disagreement is fine. But what I cannot understand, for the life of me, is bagging him out for merely putting up a website, expressing his opinion, and trying to helpful to someone. Maybe his site is the worst one on the web - maybe it's entirely useless (I'm not saying that it is). But so the **** what? He's trying to be helpful. He's putting information out there for people to read, or not to read, at their discretion. They can read it, use it, not read it, not use it, and maybe even send feedback calling him a big moron. That's all fine. But to state that he should not post his opinion, due to lack of experience or any other reason, is just ridiculous.

If you took down all the websites created by people who are not experts in whatever it is they're talking about, there would be about 10 pages on the whole web, excluding porn and shopping sites.

And please note, I am not bagging you out for posting your opinion either. I'm merely disagreeing with it.

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