And you find it "relaxing" to have a shotgun stuck in your face every night? .
I found it extremely relaxing since they were hired to to protect myself, my family and my valuables. The island isn't without crime, so I found it extremely relaxing to see the resort I chose to spend my money with was using some it to ensure the safety of it's guests. Perhaps some resorts on Bonaire might want to look into this instead of using the 'ignore' method which has resulted in the escalation of the crime to the point of the original poster starting this thread. I see nothing wrong with a resort acknowledging the need for security and putting in place the level of security they believe is needed. This is responsible management.
You should acknoledge that right now on Bonaire the responsible level of security has risen to security cameras and the like. Just a month ago the level needed was believed to be below that. This is an escalation of security as a result of the percieved threat. Personally I believe it is nothing but window dressing or lip stick on a pig. But only a month ago you all would have never even broached the subject of crime being at a level to even require that!
That's the single biggest issue anybody has with the Rah Rah clique - your insistent denial and deflection of the risk level. In the last 6 months it's gone from
A) Petty crime at dive sites - stealling of flip flops
B) Room invasions while tourists are sleeping there and thieves are rummaging through their belongings
C) Ransacking of rooms while tourists are away diving, with safes being pried open
6 months ago before B and C were occuring and being reported here you all might have had a leg to stand on with just suck it up and leave your valuables in the room safe where they belong, roll down the windows and enjoy the diving.
B and C are a game changer.
No, it's because it's unnecessary to have a gun. It might be more effective to shoot to kill any wannabe burglars making the attempt at stealing a T-shirt from someone's truck, but apparently they prefer to do it the hard way.
Again, let's not deflect what the topic is. It was not in regard to petty thievery at dive sites. It was about room invasions which is on a totally different scale of brazenness and danger.
Of course there's also less of a chance that way of an innocent tourist being caught in the crossfire between the armed guards and their shotguns and the murderous thugs with guns like you might find on other islands where criminals tend to be armed and violent..
Didn't notice any gun battles, was too busy enjoying the restfulness and solitude created by the lack of murderous thugs and criminals.
You could wear that Rolex you want to bring, right? At least in Bonaire, unlike other places, no one will mug you or cut your hand off to get at it.
Why bother going then? What kind of relaxing vacation could you possibly have without the Rolex, diamond ring, and cell phones?.
As noted, too late, already booked and air line tickets for 4 paid for.
Sorry, but we who have been to Bonaire and can appreciate the risks, think it silly that others feel a shotgun in the face every night is so much more relaxing than safe Bonaire where you dive at your own pace and can enjoy walking around outside at night without fearing for your life or having guns pointed at you. .
Again, you and the rest of the Rah Rah clique are great at deflecting the issue. You can go back and re-read what you are quoting, you're old enough and intelligent enough.
Please don't use disposable batteries, or if you do, please don't leave them on the island.
I plan on leaving as large a carbon foot print on the face of this planet as possible.