I have explored just about every single online version of any news source about Bonaire and they all have 1 thing in common, a total scrubbing of any references to criminal activity on the island regarding incidents either in the past or present.
It is almost comical because the handful
all seem to have the news release about the 2 extra flights to the island with extremely detailed information and treat it as a big news item.
The only two sources that exist that discuss the reality of crime there are this forum and bonairetalk forum, and I must admit the bonairetalk forum is without a doubt much more base in reality with little sugar coating and much more regret for how it has evolved.
Here for whatever reason, be it financial interests or just immaturity, the discussion devolves into a pissing match between everyone's favorite dive destination, seemingly Roatan, Cozumel and Bonaire. As if any of them would be better or worse to end up diving at.
Arguing about Coz, Bonaire and Roatan makes about as much sense as complaining if you were forced to date the top 3 miss America contestants and being upset cause you got the 2nd runner up.
The issue isn't whether one of the three is better or worse, everybody knows all 3 rock for diving, all three offer a slightly different experience, all 3 are some of the best diving you're going to get to do in the Caribbean.