Thanks so much to Homi and Roshenamin for their candid posts.
Shocking revelations, important info and I have learned a few things for my next trip (with a different company). First, I hope to never be in a situation where I'm taking a "last picture" of my liveaboard as we abandon her. Next, I'm wondering about what is available to the captain when traveling at night. Based on the boat being so far up on land, it obviously drove at speed straight into the island. Knowing little beyond speculation about the tools and skills available, I'm wondering whether they had radar to detect the island and about seeing the dark island against the background. I'm just wondering about how actively they are "driving" the boat on these long passages. The things I learned from this were have a flashlight within easy access in my cabin, to familiarize myself with where exactly the life jackets and lifeboats, and how the release mechanisms appear to work (anything can happen). I'm going to literally learn the way out of my cabin to the deck with my eyes closed. If no specific instruction is made for the safety equipment and drills, I'm going to call it out specifically and point out this very recent experience. If I don't get satisfactory info, I will seek it out independently and directly. I'm happy to leave any rescuing to the crew, but won't depend on that exclusively.
And yes, looting = stealing. They shoot looters here.