Mike this worked for me on the last dive with Mike M. Larry and Carol. during the ascent and safety stop I basically had my arms out in front of my face, pushed forward about 18 in. and my wrists crossed. this allows the nettles to hit your arms before your face. You can also hold your computer in your hand so you can see your depth and time while your fending off sea nettles.
this works. I was the only one to enter the boat without being hit in the face.
So did Mike M. get stung, and if so, how many times? Did he complain about the stings or take it like a diver?
I've been stung once at BW last year when they were here, seems like they hit on a seasonal basis. Dropped down by the pipe in about 45+ feet of water, dodging them with my camera and then when I hit the bottom I thought I was clear.
As I got into formation following my buddy forward out of know where, a Sea Nettle wrapped his tentacles around my face and started eating me alive.
I panicked and fought off the attack, I twisted to the left and then the the right, but that just made him mad and he used another tentacle and attacked my other cheek.
As I begged for mercy, the Nettle saw that I was too much trouble for him to eat, so he released his deadly grip on my defeated body.
As he swam away in the mist of other Nettles, I felt my face to see if it was still attached, and then the pain started to sit in.
I began to cry underwater like a child who has lost his puppy, and then my buddy came up to me and said are you, "OK", when I signaled yes, he slapped my face and sad stop your crying.
We continued our dive and I will never forget the deadly encounter I had with the Sea Nettle, as he almost ate me alive while at San Carlos Beach, they are a formidable predator and I will respect them when I encounter them again.
Okay everyone, hope you liked my Hollywood version of my attack...