Athens Camping Problem

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Quote from CharlieT:1) I do not work for Calvin, or at Athens Scuba Park.

Notice CharlieT has made the same statement attempting to defend ASP on other threads as well. One would think that he would be tired of defending ASP seeing that the majority of the posters have had or has issues with ASP. There is no excuse for Calvin to treat/act as he does and he will find out as he looses business. He will probably go bankrupt because his asking price is ridiculus and humourous. Does'nt he live in a tin can on the property? The website is unclear and is indicative to the personality of Calvin ,l an unclear idiot. Yes, CharlieT you are correct this is not a nice thread, it is in response to a not so nice experience that many has had. Before we had our several issues with Athens Scuba Park we were going to go back this coming weekend. The eight of us has changed our mind and decided to go to Clear Springs Scuba Park this coming weekend. We will NEVER go to ASP and I will do everything in my power to educate other divers on ASP and Calvin. To "defame" ones character is to make unfactual statements, the statements made are fact.

I spent 30-minutes replying to your email, correcting the spelling of my name, and providing you with definitions for defamation and libel, then realized it was a waste of time. Have a good weekend.
I spent 30-minutes replying to your email, correcting the spelling of my name, and providing you with definitions for defamation and libel, then realized it was a waste of time. Have a good weekend.

Thanks, you have a great weekend as well. As I stated, nothing said was untrue...
here's what I stated for your memory-To "defame" ones character is to make unfactual statements, the statements made are fact

n. the act of making untrue statements about another which damages his/her reputation. If the defamatory statement is printed or broadcast over the media it is libel and, if only oral, it is slander. Public figures, including officeholders and candidates, have to show that the defamation was made with malicious intent and was not just fair comment. Damages for slander may be limited to actual (special) damages unless there is malice. Some statements such as an accusation of having committed a crime, having a feared disease or being unable to perform one's occupation are called libel per se or slander per se and can more easily lead to large money awards in court and even punitive damage recovery by the person harmed. Most states provide for a demand for a printed retraction of defamation and only allow a lawsuit if there is no such admission of error.
Can't we all just hate Calvin for the garbage he pulls and get along?!? ;0)

Have a good weekend guys! Get out there and dive (just not at Athens)!!!

Why should Calvin be required to “take your money and call it water under the bridge”?

I don't know, maybe because he runs a business? I'm gonna stay out of this one though, when a bulletin board p*ssing match turns into threats of slander and libel, time to call it a day.
Hey Guys this is Goofystan. The comments on this thread allbeit are posted under my user name did not come from me. I allowed (stupid me) my LDS to use my user ID and password to get into Scubaboard. When I was talking to them about the board I showed them how to get to the site and told them they could just log in with my ID instead of creating their own. I will be changing my password today.

With that said, Athens may be expensive in some areas however, I have only been there three times and each time we enjoyed ourselves. In comparing Athens with Clear Springs I prefer Athens as IMO there are more interesting objects in the water and more to do. I have never seen Calvin's bad side (not sure who Calvin is) Everytime I go I deal with a young guy or an older lady, both have been courteous to us. They even let me blow up my air mattress at the stage. Please understand that running a business has it's challenges and not EVERY customer will be 100% satisfied with the service they receive. Those of you that have not been to Athens IMO need to check it out and form you own opinions of the service that YOU receive. I happen to like Athens even though the airfills are very high.
Hey Guys this is Goofystan. The comments on this thread allbeit are posted under my user name did not come from me. I allowed (stupid me) my LDS to use my user ID and password to get into Scubaboard. When I was talking to them about the board I showed them how to get to the site and told them they could just log in with my ID instead of creating their own. I will be changing my password today.

With that said, Athens may be expensive in some areas however, I have only been there three times and each time we enjoyed ourselves. In comparing Athens with Clear Springs I prefer Athens as IMO there are more interesting objects in the water and more to do. I have never seen Calvin's bad side (not sure who Calvin is) Everytime I go I deal with a young guy or an older lady, both have been courteous to us. They even let me blow up my air mattress at the stage. Please understand that running a business has it's challenges and not EVERY customer will be 100% satisfied with the service they receive. Those of you that have not been to Athens IMO need to check it out and form you own opinions of the service that YOU receive. I happen to like Athens even though the airfills are very high.

I concur with GS.... my limited experience with Calvin has been good, and I had a good time there.

That having been said, and based on the prefectly reasonable assumption that everything stated is true and complete, here is what I think we can walk away with.

tlessard, with all due respect, stood to benefit a great deal with a bit more research and a couple of confirmation calls to the park(inasmuch as those were attempted but not completed). For this miniscule error he was stomped on.

Calvin clearly overreacted to a genuine misunderstanding. All of this could have been avoided in this case and in other cases in the future by simply updating the website and being very precise about his midweek camping policy, and perhaps posting a sign at the gate stating it. This one incident involving tlessard could have been resolved by accepting tlessard's apology, and very clearly stating what was and was not acceptable.

Not trying be judge Wopner(sp?) or anything, but this is what I'm getting, and that's just me.

Take care,
I concur with your assesment, Judge Mongoose. Well put, and in my future adventures I will certainly be more vigilant in my attempts to secure the appropriate information about my destination. I'm over it, but I won't personally be back to Athens...
Nor I.

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