WaterWayne:Folks, although I don't have a dog in this particular fight, I surely would hate to see this thread boil down to a point-counterpoint argument. That said, I realize fully that there are professional pride and civic ethics involved here, so it would be terribly naive and ineffective to just say "Can't we all just get along?"
I too am surprised by how civil this discussion has stayed so far, but I do see some ominous clouds coming in.
As a former moderator of a law enforcement discussion board, one of the things that I have noticed to bring out a lot of passion from non-law enforcers is the whole notion of "professional courtesy." The whole notion of "why should a cop get away with it." Never mind that, as a sum total of all my traffic stops, off-duty cops represent a tiny portion of that, and as I have pointed out above I have given FAR MORE warnings to non-cops than to cops.
Another one is the whole notion of the "blue wall of silence." To which I'd like to point out that this goes on with any profession. Doctors rarely snitch on other doctors. Lawyers rarely snitch on other lawyers. However, unlike those two professions, whose ethics boards are run by those within their own profession, as law enforcers we don't get that kind of courtesy. In many areas, complaints against officers are examined by civilians with no law enforcement experience whatsoever.
Whenever you talk about law enforcement issues, often times this brings out the troublemakers and the trolls; that's why in most law enforcement boards that are open to public participation, there is a "private" area similar to what you find in Scuba Board that is only made up of law enforcers. Part of this is the need to discuss sensitive topics or tactics, things we don't want out in public. But a bigger need is to simply take a break from the trolls.