To expand on Melissa's post: We have conflicts on the 2nd as well so we can only make it out to Ark. Bend on the weekend of the 9th & 10th. The girls can ride with me to Ark. Bend after their OW @ Windy Point if that's OK with LM & John. That way you guys can start diving, making camp, etc. I'll probably make a dive during the long SI once I get to Ark. Bend so I can get a little Rec diving in.
Sounds like the 9/10th will be best then, let's make the plans for that weekend. I did my weight testing of new dive flag float and it worked very well with 15 lbs of weight. I will finish it up this week, and be ready for campout with it. So now we know the date, I believe another question was handling the food, every diver for themselves or community meals? I was thinking everyone throw something in for saturday night dinner and do that as a group thing and otherwise eat whatever ya brought for yourself.
What do the rest of you folks think?