Are you a vegetarian?

Are you a vegetarian?

  • Fish in the sea, not on a plate. Cow's in a field, not in a burger. I'm a veggie/vegan

    Votes: 22 9.9%
  • Don't eat meat but eat fish

    Votes: 15 6.7%
  • I eat the insides of an animal to please my palate

    Votes: 161 72.2%
  • Best place for fish is at the end of my speargun

    Votes: 20 9.0%
  • Don't eat fish but eat meat

    Votes: 5 2.2%

  • Total voters

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I've looked them in the eyes and then caved their heads in with a sledge hammer and I tell you there is a difference between that and mashing a spud....
So, it's OK to kill living beings as long as it doesn't make you feel uncomfortable....kind of like, being OK to lie, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone....

Won't you feel a little......sheepish?
Not as much as a young, lonely shepard boy, out tending the flock, miles and miles from anyone who may witness whatever activities he may involve himself in.
I'm sure the plants see it differently. The only difference that exists is the one you choose to make.

The difference is scientific. I'd love to know where their pain receptors are located. Perhaps you could explain to us the means by which plants "see".
The difference is scientific. I'd love to know where their pain receptors are located.
OK - so then the issue isn't killing after all, it's about causing pain - is that the claim now?

Perhaps you could explain to us the means by which plants "see".
It was a metaphorical statement - as I am sure you know.
OK - so then the issue isn't killing after all, it's about causing pain - is that the claim now?

It was a metaphorical statement - as I am sure you know.

Of course - I do believe the issue brought up (gouging the eyes of a puppy) is an emotional issue based upon the typical reaction of those involved. Moral issues certainly are the most fun to debate aren't they?

And to throw another flame to the fire for some who've been posting - it's amazing how increases in "Green" technology (ethanol and farm-based bio-fuels) are resulting in increased deforestation of rainforests :shocked2:.
I replied "meat eater" but I have to go out for it because at our house we eat about 80% vegetarian with some fish thrown in if we can disguise it. My kids decided that they want to be vegetarians after some boob showed them a youtube video of cows being slaughterd. :crazyeye:

I ate vegetarian for about 18 months when I was younger too, mostly as an experiment, but the full-body satisfaction of sinking your teeth into a nice fat juicy burger did me in.... :wink:

I am an avid hunter and fisherman. I eat what I harvest, and never harvest more than I can eat. I also participate in a project called Hunters for the Hungry in which a deer is donated by a hunter and the venison proscessed and given to those who otherwise couldn't afford meat. I respect the decisions of those who choose not to eat meat, I just don't understand the decision.
I am an avid hunter and fisherman. I eat what I harvest, and never harvest more than I can eat. I also participate in a project called Hunters for the Hungry in which a deer is donated by a hunter and the venison proscessed and given to those who otherwise couldn't afford meat. I respect the decisions of those who choose not to eat meat, I just don't understand the decision.

I have to respect hunters who do it according to the law and process/package/freeze what they hunt. :eat:

I DO NOT like trophy hunters.

Some of the most hardcore environmental/conservationists I know are hunters. They have a great respect for life and the environment.

(some of you may not believe that until you meet one)

Some of the most hardcore environmental/conservationists I know are hunters. They have a great respect for life and the environment.
That is the NORM, not the exception. Most effective conservation efforts in the US have been funded and carried out by hunters. Disney likes to portray hunters as these maniacs (e.g. Bambi). "Oooo, run! Man is in the forest! He shoots everything then sets the place on fire!" Give me a break! :shakehead:

Want to see an image of a true hunter/conservationist? Go to Mt. Rushmore; he's third from the left! :wink:

Roger Hedgecock (San Diego) did an expose on the effects of banning mountain lion hunting a few years back. It was awesome. It clearly delineated how hunting, properly done, is healthy for the environment and for the protection of wild game.
I respect the decisions of those who choose not to eat meat, I just don't understand the decision.

An excellent response and the respect is mutual!

Mike, Ducks Unlimited comes to mind as one such org.

and tsk tsk ND, you know what I mean :no: . The arguement that plants are living creatures too so killing one equals the other has been thrown at me far too many times. It is toooo easy to rebut. I don't actually advocate the blinding of puppies but such a blunt comparison quickly breaks down the faulty logic. No one who does/has done any butchering tries to equate the two.
I haven't read all the comments. I just want to add few more thoughts to my previous post.

My concern is not about whether you eat meat or fish but what kind of meat and fish you eat and what kind of vegetables etc.I eat.

Eating meat that is full of hormones and other chemicals that should not be there in the first place is unnecessary. It only makes those chemical companies richer at the expense of your health. You don't care and don't want to support the production of organic meat because it is too expensive or for other reasons? Fine, it's your stomach that has to deal with that crap after all not mine!

Eating fish that is caught with unsustainable fishing practices is irresponsible. The fish eaters cannot keep ignoring the fact that fishing stocks around the world are exploited to the point of no recovery! Do you want to make a difference? As Sambolino44 mentioned earlier eat fish that is not in such a danger of being totally wiped out, buy local species instead of ones that have imported from the other side of the globe, and when eating in a restaurant ask where the fish comes from etc...

Avoiding eating fish that is full of hormones and other chemicals is a tough one if the fish is caught in the wild, if it is a farmed fish then find out as much info as possible about the farming practices. I have recently heard that farmed salmon is really bad because to make its flesh pink farmers add colorants to its diet...Do you really want to eat that?

The bigger the fish the more heavy metals and chemicals accumulate in its body. Where all that nasty stuff comes from? Industrial dumping, farmed fields and us through the sewer. People flush god knows what kind of chemical concoctions down the toilet, especially pharmaceutical drugs, every day! They think that they get rid of these unwanted chemicals once for all, but they do not realize that those chemicals end up in the ocean and accumulate inside the fish and marine mammals. if these people do not care about what kind of fish they eat they may end up accumulating in their own bodies the same chemicals that they wanted to get rid of in the first place!

Dumping this stuff into a storm water pipe or your toilet is not the answer!


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