Are you a vegetarian?

Are you a vegetarian?

  • Fish in the sea, not on a plate. Cow's in a field, not in a burger. I'm a veggie/vegan

    Votes: 22 9.9%
  • Don't eat meat but eat fish

    Votes: 15 6.7%
  • I eat the insides of an animal to please my palate

    Votes: 161 72.2%
  • Best place for fish is at the end of my speargun

    Votes: 20 9.0%
  • Don't eat fish but eat meat

    Votes: 5 2.2%

  • Total voters

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If you seriously think that anyone is suggesting that the issue here is extinction of farm animals, then truly, all bets are off. And you only insult yourself by admitting that you are Jewish, eat bacon, and don't know how to spell Israel.

I misspell that EVERY TIME! Same with Colombia (got it right that time I think)..

I am a Jew in the sense that its the main part of my faith but some things that make no sense are ignored because I dont feel we need to be bound by a bunch of rules that make no sense these days.

Now getting back on topic...

I for one, am not worried about the world our kids inherit. I am a huge believer in science and our ability to make things happen. We will either adapt and overcome or we will find a way off this rock and exist amoung the stars. Just another place I am not bound by conventional thinking and limits.. I myself have always wanted to travel through space.. In my lifetime, its just not a reality.. so maybe in my grandkids or thiers..

and yes.. I have 3 daughters. so dont assume I dont have kids.. and guess what? We all dive and have been seen touching marine life! Ohh noes! :O The impact we have alone is cause for a world summit.
Sabbath999 - Very much my experience too. Weird eh?

It is weird... I have no idea where the hostility comes from (again, I am talking about people who I meet IRL and not any posters here on this board).

Here's a quick story... I was eating lunch a few weeks ago with a business assoicate (a tech from a different company) in one of the several towns I work in. We went to a Mexican place I know, (from asking them on previous occasions I know they do not cook with lard) and I ordered a couple of bean burritos. When my order came, I cut into them and saw meat. I called the waiter over and told him I needed to send the order back because it had meat in it. The guy I was with grinned at me and told me I should take it and feel lucky, since the beef burritos are a buck more expensive... I told him that I was a vegetarian... and it was like flipping a switch. The guy got obnoxious, called me a wuss and several other names I do not care to repeat. I got up, cancelled my order, gave the waiter a tip for his trouble (I do plan on eating there again, and don't want spit in my food the next time) and walked out... all over the fact I don't want meat in my food.

I wish I could say this was an isolated incident, but unfortunately it isn't. I am betting you (DaleC) have similar stories to tell about how people go absolutely nuts completely out of the blue when they learn you are a vegetarian...

I don't tell people I am one generally, unless asked (like on this poll) or unless it comes up for some reason (like dinner plans)... simply because I think what I choose to eat or not eat really is nobody else's business.

Again, just to be perfectly clear, none of these comments are about people here on ScubaBoard or about previous posts in this thread except the one by DaleC quoted above.
Like, duh! Open your eyes my good man. Look at the poll! Look at the numbers! Nobody ever wants to poll the vast majority! They wouldn't be able to handle the abundance of data! :D

I think the answer to my question goes deeper. Do you want another shot at it? :D
Some would disagree of course. However, obviously there are enough vegetarians out there that agree with you because they keep a fake meat restaurant in business!! I don't think any real meat-eaters want a fake turkey for thanksgiving!!
Meat is tasty. Just because some people don't accept/realize/acknowledge that, doesn't make it any less true :)
I don't think any real meat-eaters want a fake turkey for thanksgiving!! :D

Which reminds me of a pet peeve...

I always get annoyed when the President pardons the "White House Turkey" every year... because the president's family and guests still eat turkey every Thanksgiving.

If you are going to eat a bird, then kill the thing and eat it... don't make some big dumb show about being a humanitarian or whatever it is they are trying to prove, and have somebody kill ANOTHER bird in stead.

Just my little totally off topic .02 psi.
...and you never see them giving a pardon to the big ass White House Christmas Tree either. Nope - they just kill that sucker outright.
I should have made it clear more that I was talking about people I meet in real life, not here...
The hostility is real, and I see it in person.
Sorry if I was unclear.

Sorry if I appeared uncaring! Not being a vegan or vegetarian, I have obviously never seen any hostility towards your side before. I have had a few PETA fruitcakes get irate when they learned I hunt, fish, dress my own game, and eat what I catch though. So, I guess it must go both ways! I honestly never imagined that someone would get hostile towards a vegetarian! :confused:

I can honestly understand why a vegetarian that is an animal rights' nut would be offended by me. I don't mind eating what he thinks is family! :no:

However, I NEVER get hostile about even full blown vegans. I don't eat a LOT of meat, but for me anything is fair game. If, however, you don't, no problem! :coffee:
Fair enough, perhaps I read more into it. If nothing was intended I retract my comments in that regard.
Otherwise... Bring it on :D

No hostile intention from this side!
Now, does that mean I don't have to bring "it" on? (Whatever "it" is!) And where was I supposed to bring "it" anyway? :D

No worries mate!
Meat is tasty. Just because some people don't accept/realize/acknowledge that, doesn't make it any less true :)

Just because it may be to you (AND ME!!) doesn't mean it is to everyone. That is why I wrote what I did. I fully expected someone to chime in that they didn't eat meat because they didn't like it. I was trying to acknowledge that possibility before it arose.

Like I said, the proof is that they can maintain a vegetarian restaurant built on how meat tastes.

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