Walter hit the nail on the head (as usual).Walter:A simple J is the way to go. Learn to use it and you'll never see the need for a "dry" snorkel.
"Dry" snorkels are just an industry gimmick to part you with your money, and an attempt to make up for bad technique with equipment.
Don't get a dry snorkel--learn a proper displacement clear.
Personally for pool work and when I'm with new students I use a "DUGI" by Aeris. Not sure if you can get them any more. It's a simple-J that is flexible so I can fold it up and put it in a pocket if I feel like it.
edit: By "part you with your money" I mean it. I worked for a LDS several summers ago. We sold dry snorkels--bought from the distributor for $12-$15, sold them retail for $45-$50. Why do you think dive shops push them so much? Same thing with masks. Don't buy those 6-pane crazy windows-everywhere purge masks for $65...because your LDS bought it for $15. That, plus they're just stupid.