Lets not forget that many of the well-known divers of the 1960s through the 1980s also used decompression computers. Granted they were analog but did credit for multi-level dives.
Wasn't it that one they called the bend-o-matic?
Yep, but it worked surprisingly well. We all carefully monitored it compared to different tables for a sanity check though. If I recall correctly it tracked the French Navy tables closer than the US Navy tables, but close enough. The moniker was really not deserved. If it had, Scubapro (the importer in the US) would have been sued out of business.
The bend-o-matic used ambient pressure to push gas from one side of the unit to the other through a filter. It was in essence a single compartment model, with all the problems associated with that.
Did it work? "Surprisingly well" is a good answer, but that answer needs some context.
At the time, the most common dives being done were single tank dives using either a steel 72 or an AL80. In both cases, bending yourself on a single tank first dive of the day was virtually impossible provided you stayed above about 100 feet - unless you had a superb SAC rate or skip breathed. You simply ran out of gas before you on-gassed enough to get bent. If you did a truly multi-level dive, avoiding a square profile, doing the deepest part first and spending much of the dive at a shallower depth, it was hard to bend yourself with a single 72 or 80 even on a 110'-130' dive.
Which is to say, the question isn't whether the bend-o-matic worked "surprisingly well" but rather it worked better than no dive computer at all for a single tank diver. In that regard, I'll argue that the steel 72 was in fact the world first multi-level dive computer, provided you respected it's limits. Most divers in the era who understood US Navy tables, also understood the gas needed to bend yourself, and thus saw the multi-level advantage of a steel 72.
---------- Post added November 30th, 2015 at 09:14 AM ----------
I like to relate everything to flying, because that is my other hobby. The discussion of "old school" and new technology comes up in flying as well, the new pilots are to reliant on technology and the old guys won't pay attention to it the argument goes. In my personal opinion, if my radio goes dead, and my electronics go down, I better know how to pull out a nav chart, a wiz wheel, and a compass and be able to use them to get me home safe. In turn if I'm flying at night, or get into a cloud I need to trust my instruments to tell me how to fix it. Basically, knowing both systems, and being able to use them in unison, can make things safer.
I do the same thing, in part because aviation is light years ahead of diving when it comes to accident analysis and feeding the results back into practice.
I learned to fly in a 1956 Supercub with airspeed, altimeter, tachometer, oil pressure and a whiskey compass. For radios it had a Narco Mk III radio that even worked on rare occasions if the range was short and you didn't mind a lot of static. I learned how to actually fly in that aircraft and I learned how to navigate by pilotage and dead reckoning.
My instrument training occurred in a Cessna 172 with a basic six pack no bells and whistles panel. While I later enjoyed flying instruments in aircraft equipped with HSIs, flight directors and moving map displays, I never forgot the basics of flying instruments on a basic panel, and on a partial panel. I also enjoyed watching pilots who were not so diligent in maintaining those skills struggle when I took away the GPS and moving map display, the flight director or HSI. That suddenly put them in the positon of having to develop and maintain a mental map of where they are relative to the runway and nav aides in addition to keeping the airplane right side up, on course and on glideslope during the approach.
I think the relevance to and harm of computers in recreational diving is minimal, given a single tank, the benefits of nitrox and reasonable depths. Ideally the diver should understand what's happening a lot more than they do, but it's hard to teach that in the weekend courses that have become all to common. It's also not a skill that is likely to develop later in a dive travel industry that revolves around DMs serving as in water nannies to OW divers.
Weekend dive courses and overreliance on DMs to handle dive planning, bottom time, etc, are far larger contributors to the "bad diver" syndrome in recreational diving today than the use of computers.
However once you get into more advanced or technical diving, the diver's knowledge does need to develop to prevent them from becoming over reliant on the computer, and even more importantly to understand the interplay between decompression planning and gas planning, as well as the planning skills needed to develop contingency plans for delays, lost gas scenarios and computer failure.