OK, so... If if I am on vacation and my Oceanic Geo 2 farts out on the 9th dive of the day (and it is day 3) in Bonaire...
Then, my Oceanic dive B.U.D. (Only used on vacations) floods on me during the dive...
So I pull out the NAUI OCEANx "Oxygen Calculator Enriched Air Nitrox" wheel in my BC pocket and figure the past 8 dives to the air equivalent...
Then, I cross check it with the PADI "Recreational Dive Planner" tables to find out I am currently a D Diver and...
Double check it against the NAUI EAN 32 Dive Tables only to find out that...
I should have been looking everything up on the U.S. Navy dive tables in the first place...
Only to finally remember that I have been hovering here on the edge of the wall at 15' since this all began an hour ago...
Crap, now I have to figure out if this is a safety stop, or do I have to ascend to 10' for a deco stop?
Yes, I learned to dive tables long before dive computers... My first dive "computer" was a bottom timer that activated when I hit the water. When I was a teen, I used to listen to the divers over the radio on the boat playing "imitation" games with the dive tables back and forth.
Dive classes still learn the tables, but are encouraged to buy or rent a computer because they offer better results and longer bottom times. When my son wanted to get certified, I made sure he was working the tables until it really became boring for him (at that point, I knew he would never forget how to work a table).
<Reminisce on> Early in my days here on ScubaBoard, I heard about a course on Nitrox Dive Computer certification (Pete, don't chastise me if that was not the name of the course). There were a lot of bad reviews from people who had; never heard of, never wanted to hear of, thought it was a completely ridiculous idea to teach... you name it, it was a bad idea all around for this thread... Even I thought it was a potentially bad idea.
Pete (Netdoc, the Chairman) was the instructor, and I had never met him, nor did I know who he was. I offered to "audit" the course, make notes and post a critique for everyone; good, bad or indifferent... And, Pete agreed without knowing anything about me.
I did have to make the trek to Orlando for the evening, but I was certainly surprised by the class work. By the end of my review, even the sternest disagreements were swayed to understanding that this was not just a class on EAN dive computers, but was also a refresh of dive tables, both standards and EAN...<Reminisce off>
Can't we all just dive together?
Secondary Moral...
Dive computers aren't making bad divers...
- Bad divers are using computers as an excuse
- Bad instructors are allowing bad divers to rely completely on computers
- Bad instructors are only in it for the dollar
- Bad divers are getting a 'pass' from bad instructors
[-]5. PADI is the Devil[/-]