Anywhere to dive in santa cruz?

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I'm a new diver and rented equipment for the weekend... dove towards the Metridium fields on Sat but ended up turning around because I got spooked by jellies. (oops, live and learn)

I wanted to go back tomorrow but in an amusing twist of fate my car is having an emotional weekend and so I need to set my sights closer to home.

So is there anywhere worth diving, and not toooo intimidating for a noob, in the Santa Cruz area?
Wouldn't recommend diving Santa Cruz, there's nothing to see.
The only place "frequented" by diver's in SC is the west side of the wharf at Cowell's beach (next to the boardwalk). But conditions are always crummy.
The Lifeguard's in the tower also ask for divers to bring a dive flag/float/buoy when diving.

UCSC's Rescue and sci dive class performs their rescues and searches in that area. Visibility is always crap, it's shallow and usually surgey. Entries and Exits are really tricky and tough. The ocean waves are a challenge to break through on entry especially if you're not used to it (the area is a surf spot so no surprise really).
On entry and exit you have a really good chance for getting picked up and tumbled, especially if the waves get above head height.

Outside the wharf there's nothing but sand, sand dollars, hermit crabs, and flat fish.
Under the wharf you'll experience night dive conditions with often near zero viz because of the detritus or sand particles. You'll get to see numerous identical pylons with anemonies, starfish, juvenile fish etc. The bottom usually has a lot of detritus and some trash items. The only good news is the surge stops right after you get past the first pylons.

I would not recommend diving the wharf or the area around it unless you're training and have some experience with rough conditions and navigation. If you're looking purely for a fun relaxing dive then you should go to Monterey. Sorry buddy.... :(
Aqua Safari is setting up a clean up the wharf dive on the 17th. You might give them a call, it's fun. But on average the only half decent sites in the SC area are only reachable by boat. The general consensus seems to be that unless you like sand and zero vis, make the drive. Some of the local clubs probable do car pools though, so you might check that out.

Bums me out since I'm just up in scotts valley. The BA divers group on yahoo is great local resource too.
Ahh bummer. I'm nearby in Redwood Estates; too bad, diving out of SC would be convenient. Thanks for the tips.

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