Anyone welcome - Ft. Lauderdale beach dive

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Gulfstream beach sounds like it was an adventure BJ.

Sorry all - my plans changed this weekend to include the Chili Cook-off (beer, music, food, rednecks) on Saturday, and I need to get some roof work done on Sunday. Other clients scheduled in the rest of the week this week, too.

The friends I've dove with locally like to meet early - like 8 AM - and I assumed this was because local conditions are typically calmer in the mornings (?). A LDS might be able to answer that one, but a big advantage to meeting early on a clear day is that we wouldn't be competing with many beach-go'ers for parking or beach space.

I believe I'd be up for a dive early Sunday morning (me saying this now, pre-chili cookoff, lol). I'd like to be up and out of there by about noon-ish on weekends to get stuff done the rest of the day. If you all can go Saturday, don't let my weekend's change alter your plans. Looks like I already have a full weekend.

I thought the chili cook off was on Sunday...
I dunno .... I just dunno ...

Reading the all-knowing all-powerful NOAA coastal forecasts .... seas 4-6 ft ... small craft warnings for today ....

Yet I look on the local beach webcam and wonder if they mean toy boats = small crafts, cuz I'm lookin at very flat seas.

North winds are expected, predicted, foresooth to jump up and kick seas to the 8-10 ft (inch?) range by tomorrow.

What kind of sacrifice do we make to appease the wind godz ?

Maybe since I had to lower one of my dive kayaks so the AC guy could get in the attic for a service call, etc. .... maybe that is what is causing this calm. Hmmmm....

I dunno .... I just dunno ...
I like your thought pattern, some what superstitious with getting the kayack down. Like if I get out all of my dive gear and load the truck with it, I will be telling mother-nature I need good vis and calm seas.

Whoops - got my days mixed up. Cook-off is on Sunday. So I can switch my days around, but I'd still need to go pretty early Saturday so I can get that work done.

I wasn't gonna mention it until we met, but since yaks were brought up - I do have a kayak. Problem is - save for holding some gear and a dive flag, I'm not sure what good it would do. It's a SOT (sit-on-top), but it isn't a dive 'yak, so it doesn't have that rear open pick-up truck style of storage area like the dive 'yaks do. Instead it has hatches. I should sell it and get a Scrambler XT - but I should also try it out with diving on a calm day just to see if I can fit myself and my gear on it. Actually, I'm not worried about putting all the stuff on it - more worried about gearing up on it and getting the gear back on it afterward.

The kayaks were great for getting us out a little farther to snorkel off of Pompano Beach (for 20' of water, it has relatively good stuff. I'll dive there someday.)

But i digress... you guys up for an early dive instead?
I'am... But I Don't know if anyone else is. How about you scuba Jenny, JR Scuba, aabond, and SFL Diver??? Would it work for you?

I'm up for a weekend dive! I haven't gotten wet in a while it's been horrible! Sunday is best for me or late Saturday like 5:00 pm. Who's in?
Kayak diving is a snap once you've got the routine down,
and yes having a tank well to put your tank-bc-regs rig in is a big +plus+.

I had & sold one of my Scupper Pros that had two hatches, no tank well.
There was no logical way to store my rig, and strapping it on top would have made it too top-heavy.

There are some beach dives that are just worthwhile -as- beach dives,
but there are some 2nd reef sites that are just sweeter by kayak.
I'll be in that area the 5th-11th of Feb. Looking to dive...will be doing my NOx cert..

SFL, thanks for the dive-yak talk-back. I was concerned about the top-heaviness, plus putting on and taking off the Hog rig (what with the crotch strap and all). Hate to be a xxxxx about it - I know I could do it if I had to, but ...

Parking probably won't be an issue if we meet at 8 AM, or even nine. There is a pay-to-park lot right at the pier, plus a number of spots right there. My truck is big enough to store stuff in if BJ's wife doesn't want to sun-bathe on a chilly morning.

Tell ya what - I know my schedule is restrictive this weekend, and I don't want to hold anyone back. I'm gonna show up in an white ext. cab, long-bed F-150 at 8:30 AM there at the pier (unless the weather-clowns are calling for the hell-spawn of waves and rain or something, then I'll post my concern here), and if anyone wants to meet at that time then that'd be rightious.

Mikerault - I'm sure some of us will get ya in there. PM some of us when right before you come down this way.

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