Bism, a comprehensive scuba diving gear manufacturer
A manufacturer of scuba diving gear that enriches your diving life.

They have every right to name their products eg. Black bean, White bean etc
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Bism, a comprehensive scuba diving gear manufacturer
A manufacturer of scuba diving gear that enriches your diving life.www.bism.co.jp
They have every right to name their products eg. Black bean, White bean etc
While at university, I had a girlfriend, who was in the ESL program, then fresh from Hokkaido; and all of her school supplies, sent from home, were adorned with sub-adolescent cartoon characters and stenciled with a number of nonsensical English phrases -- such as the one adorning her pencil box, which I can still recall, "My Dandy Papa Pencil-Box. He is so dandy, my Papa. Why so dandy?"I went back and forth through the thread, maybe I missed the answer. But the real question is, "White Beans??? Really?"
Maybe it's a broken translation of something cool like 'White Sharkfish'. Perhaps it has some special meaning in Japanese culture. Was there some marketing research to this?
I've been in the industry a while and have been at meetings where we bandied about potential names for some new product. I can't imagine me ever speaking up and saying, "Wait! I got it! We'll call it "White Beans!"
It is all "Beans" to me, they give me gas.
Btw, the barometer came with my Bism reg has a dolphin as its needle point. Even now, it shocks me every time I check my gas.
I assume they named it after the sound a second stage sometimes makes when you breathe from it on the surface.I went back and forth through the thread, maybe I missed the answer. But the real question is, "White Beans??? Really?"
Maybe it's a broken translation of something cool like 'White Sharkfish'. Perhaps it has some special meaning in Japanese culture. Was there some marketing research to this?
I've been in the industry a while and have been at meetings where we bandied about potential names for some new product. I can't imagine me ever speaking up and saying, "Wait! I got it! We'll call it "White Beans!"
It doesn't actually. I used to have a suit very similar. It was easy to self don. It wasn't a horrible suit, I just prefer a front diagonal zipper instead.View attachment 707082
What kind of unlogical drysuit is this?
Wouldn't air get trapped in the back portion of the drysuit?