I admit I'm new here. Since joining a couple weeks ago, I have found a ton of fabulous information, insights and other things to improve my diving ability, all of which help feed this new addiction. However, one thing I find glaringly missing on these boards is anyone, except for a few newbies, expressing any shear joy about a dive. Oh, there are 1200 posts about wheather or not to tip, wear your mask on your head, perform the Warhammer, or if your LDS should be in business. There are numerous threads about bouyancy control, SAC rates, and whether you should dive tech/DIR/rec. We are all full of questions about if everything we do at every step of a dive is "correct" (an impossibility given the number of opinions about what "correct" is). But rarely do I see a post from anyone just letting everyone know about a great dive. Have divers become so complacent about what we do that the joy of being underwater is gone?