Any fossilers wanna show off some photos?

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Sorry Fella's :( I am going to miss this show. I had surgery about two weeks ago and figured I would be healed up to go but on my follow up visit Friday I was given the sad news that they did not get it all and I have to go back in for surgery again this Friday. I have my ex in laws coming in to help and visit, but I will be out for the count all weekend.

I need to call Phill up and get a dive set up as I am going through withdrawls BAD!!!!!! hahaa

Joe, Lee, please take some good video and photos to share with us less fortunate. I am going to add a GoPro camera on my helmet this year.
I'll take some photos for ya Mike. My old Kodak just keeps on a clicking. Its gettin a little weak and has a few odd behaviors but then its not terribly different than its owner.

i am having this crazy idea. i am gonna take the pool noodles off my screener-sifter, tie on some weights, and take it and my short handled scooper-sifter to the bottom of the Edisto this summer. in my mind i am convinced i will pick up lots of small to medium teeth i ordinarily miss. the scooper-sifter allows too much material to pass but it makes shoveling material into the screener-sifter easy. the 1/4" screener-sifter does not miss a thing larger than .........well. 1/4". it gets all those nice 1/2" hemis and tigers.

count me in on that meet up Joe. mike i am hoping to throw down on one of these zukes. i am so use to running 40 to 65 on my yam fx-140 waverunner that the canoe with the electric motor is just TOO DAMN SLOW for me. gotta add some speed.

zuke 2.5 hp 4 stroke water cooled approx 700.00
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Mike: Sorry to hear the news. If theres anything I can do let me know. Was looking forward to meeting you. Maybe you, Lee, Phill and I can meet some where soon for a Beer( Tea ), talk and maybe plan a trip on one of SC many rivers. I did not get to dive much last year, so I am looking forward to getting wet alot more this year. Good luck this Friday with the surgery, will keep you in our Prayers.
Mike: Sorry to hear the news. If theres anything I can do let me know. Was looking forward to meeting you. Maybe you, Lee, Phill and I can meet some where soon for a Beer( Tea ), talk and maybe plan a trip on one of SC many rivers. I did not get to dive much last year, so I am looking forward to getting wet alot more this year. Good luck this Friday with the surgery, will keep you in our Prayers.

Joe, I was looking forward to meeting you and oyur son as well. I am sure we will meet up this coming dive season somewhere. Here's to you all having a great day~!
Well Lee I know You, Phil, and I are ( OLD ) fossil hounds and don't care much for the cold water. How about it Mike are you a cold water fan or just old enought you would rather wait for the spring warmth. You know it's not the water temp as much as it is that cold boat ride to the landing. Will take some pictures for you Mike and good luck Friday. Will keep you in our Prayers.
yeppers Joe... I am way to damn old for the cold.

Last season (or the one before, my old mind cant remember), i found myself tangled in rope and tied to an underwater tree. I was in the Edisto river and looking up at the boat which was only about 15 feet away. I remember thinking WTF is an old fart guy like myself doing tied to a tree underwater. Its times like these that make me stop and think about how dumb i really am. about 10 minutes later i was hanging onto a tree limb as the fast current continued blowing past. all i could do was wait for rescue, or drop to the bottom and crab upstream to the boat, or drift on downstream and work my way to shore. again i found myself thinking, i'm too old for this s**t.

SO taking all that in consideration, I am not diving "The Doria" this coming season

---------- Post added February 12th, 2013 at 10:50 PM ----------

Maybe you, Lee, Phill and I can meet some where soon for a Beer( Tea ), talk and maybe plan a trip on one of SC many rivers.

works for me!
Lee pick a date and place that would be good for You, Phil and Mike and lets see who has the best stories. Looking forward to it.

Joe, Phill and I was just crazy enough to get in the water at 48 or 50 degrees. We was boiling river water and pouring over us between dives. I forgot my hood that day so I had no protection on my bald head and just LOVED it cold river water shot down my back when I turned my head the right way.

I don't mind diving the cold if I have the proper suit but I would like to wait till the water temp is a little higher, lol

Joe, did you hear the mushroom anchor story about me? that was funny and very painful~!

---------- Post added February 13th, 2013 at 11:19 AM ----------

HAs anyone heard from Vinson? I am wanting to hit a couple of rivers down here but have not heard from him.

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