Angelina Jolie not into Scuba

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I usually would have sent it in a PM to you. But, the board sometimes needs to see in the public forum, what is allowed.
Your post was brought to my attention with complaints. I did not see it myself, first. I was sent PMs about it.

I was not compairing your post to the OB family. I simply was trying to explain which conservative 'family' values the board has.
Yes, as soon as you started that post, we considered canning it.
The owners of scuba board, after 911, told us they did not want ANY political threads allowed.
We should have taken it for that reason alone, but as I said we are watching it.
Very interesting. I would definitely like to see Marebythesea's post that was pulled so I can get a better idea of why it might have been deleted. As Natasha says, there were complaints via PM to her. I wonder who defines the "local community standards" on this board (ues, I know, the mods several of whom I "know"), and how that concensus might differ from standards here in soCal where Marebythesea, Arnaud, myself and others live,

I make this statement out of a certain intellectual curiosity to see where the offense lay. I am not criticizing anyone's actions since without knowledge of the post itself, I have no basis to do so.

Dr. Bill
Thanks for the explanation re: my political thread Natasha. As a general policy, I can understand it. However much of what is discussed on SB has political implications even if they are not made outright.

I wasn't aware of the no political threads policy. However I think it is a relevant question to ask to determine the leanings at least of those members who respond. I had a genuine interest in the answers... not a desire to stimulate a mini-war on-line.

Dr. Bill
Dr. Bill:
The owners of scuba board are from San Diego.
So as far as that's concerned I don't think there is a difference in values, because of where a person lives.
As far as what Mare says she wrote, and what I read that she wrote, there is no way to prove either. It has been deleted. No way of getting it back.
Ah, but San Diego is about as "conservative" as it gets in California, Natasha... even puts Orange County to shame! Hope my San Diego buddies don't read this... they are the exception!

Why is it the French revel in intellectual debates or discussions about politics, yet Americans seem to back off from them unless it is via a mediumn where the parties are not face-to-face? Perhaps Arnaud can offer some enlightenment.

I know several conservatives who are able to sit down with a flaming radical like me and discuss things with respect for one another's position. Can't we all get along.

Back to Arnaud's original post that got some of this started... blondes should feel free to PM me just like their dark haired sisters. Red heads on the other hand...

Dr. Bill
tongue in cheek and foot in mouth as usual
My thoughts:

Angelina is hot!,

Blondes are hot! (all hairy parts)

Brunettes are hot!

(disclaimer: my standards in women are not neccessarily the standards of this board as related to women's hair color and the hotness there of.)

(disclaimer 2: I dumbed this post down as to make it more readable for all.)

Useless fact of the day: "Dolphins sleep with one eye open."

I'm afraid to post on this board anymore. Realize, I'm narced most of the time I'm not flying, and have hypoxia the rest of the time! I can't be held responsible for my thought processes.
But I like you guys, so don't be hatin'.
October 30, on a different thread, what DrBill said was:

A different blonde each day?

Well, I guess I didn't miss much since I favor dark hair!

Okay, so I guess he didn't close the doors on blondes completely. And with Mare's looks & brains both, same state :thumb:

Don you matchmaker you... I think the lady in question has a family per her post. If not, we might become the James Carville and Mary Matalin of the diving world!

So MarebytheSea, how did this go?
On the positive side, I think my family can learn a lot from you -- as a matter of fact, at dinner tonight after grace, I will offer up my post and your remarks for an open discussion on how complacency fuels censorship.

Dr. Bill
"When she came to the big chamber with air trapped in the thousands year old temple, she simply popped her mask and reg, breathing in the air there; I would have feared methane!! Then they all light road flares?! If the oxygen content in the air bubble was any good when they got there, how long could it last...?!"

If thats not classic geek over analysis then I don't know what is.

Please don't tell me you live in your mom's garage/ basement

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