But at the same time, I wonder how many deaths there would have been on the Doria if they did not allow penetration? If that is what you are basing your claim on which wreck is harder by the number of deaths, probably very few. The Gunilda is deeper than the Doria, the Doria I believe at the floor is 260ish, The Gunilda is 280ish so mixed gases are required on both wrecks, although the Doria hull is at 170ish. So you are deeper on the Gunilda before you even see her. There is no ambient light on the Gunilda. And lets not forget she does sit in Lake Superior so the water I believe is at least 10-15 degrees colder than the Atlantic. I have done many dives in Superior and I can tell you that the water temps begin to get to be not fun, You are looking at mid-30's bottom temps and your deco stops are going to be in that same range temperature wise, until you get to the 30 foot stops when Superior becomes a balmy 55ish,which makes for some very uncomfortable hangs.