Until the whole SockPuppet issue is addressed by SB Staff, I too will play.
i have posted on this forum before under my regular user name but on this occasion i used a different persona to protect the innocent, namely the staff, a significant percentage of which expressed concern over how this place is run.
How exactly does you breaking SB's TOS and creating a sock puppet helping to protect the "innocent" people? If you are not naming them as being the problem then they need no protection.
....obviously the guilty are also thus afforded protection but my intention, at this point, is to promote discussion not to be a whistle blower......
So you would rather innocent divers get hurt or die through these scandalous and dangerous procedures of the shop? What exactly makes you believe that being a whistle blower is LESS effective than this very scary "discussion"? Are you hoping that 2 years from now the Shop owner is going to stumble onto this thread, not know it is him, see that the shop was not named but get scared into changing his ways anyways?
ideally i would like the shop manager to read this thread, recognize the circumstances and pull his finger out.
If you think that will happen based on what you have told us you need to reconsider. You are admittedly NOT a threat to this shop. Your refusal to state their name and location does mor damage than it does good. Thanks for watching out for your fellow divers
he is probably sitting in his office now, hung over, farting around on facebook or watching family guy on his laptop.
Sounds like where I would rather be