@jvogt they only take out N2, correct. This is the standard means of producing oxygen in most of the world, but is typically done by monstrous PSA machines. In the US we distill the gas out which allows us high purity, but if you would use a membrane, this is the same concept.
On the filtration discussion. I don't do any extra filtration when using it for partial pressure blending or breathing OC. When used in 50% or lower, the percentages of CO2 and CO *shouldn't be any CO unless it's being taken in by the compressor from the atmosphere, it is all oil-less compressors* are both lower than breathing gas limits. Anything that goes through the compressor will obviously be filtered and if you have CO2 filters on your compressor then it all comes down.
On 100%, the CO2 is a bit higher than the breathing gas limits, but I've never had an issue on deco with it. The military uses it without filtration in their O2 breathers as well.
Now, I have CO2 zeolites in my filter stack so it takes the CO2 out in addition to the nitrogen, but nothing else is in there that I'm actually concerned about. SSZ-13 is kind of hard to get though, I got some from a work buddy, but for "normal" applications, I'd use it to make 100%, then send it through the compressor to make EAN32. Only time you'd have anything not filtered is for 100% and 50%, and it's not really an issue IME for that