I also dive with a regulator on a necklace. And if you decide to go with that equipment configuration then Great!
If however you are still interested in a combination
inflator/regulator then you need to shop carefully. I used the AirII on rental equipment on and off for 3 months before buying my own setup. I chose the Sherwood Shadow+. I decided on them for several reasons.
#1 Standard fittings: the Sherwood (and similar Genesis) have standard BC quick disconnects. The AirII has(had?) special larger diameter quick disconnects.
#2 If you have a inflator problem and disconnect the hose, you still have a functioning regulator.
#3 When you breakdown and pack-up, the Shadow+ goes with your regulator, (in a reg bag?) the AirII lives with the BC. This was a traveling and/or shipping issue for my girlfriend and myself. On one trip I had to ship my BC to Florida and I took the reg. bag on the plane. The BC arrived two days late, during that time I rented a standard BC. No hoses to swap, no renting BC and reg. because of special fittings.
#4 Maintenance, (this is similar to #3) but I found it much more convenient to just take the regulators in for service. Others would require that the BC be taken in at the same time. Of course you should have you BC looked at too but not necessarily at the same time!
#5 If/when you decide that the DIR style is right for you then The standard hoses on the shadow+ and sidekick(?) are about 22-24 and great length for your necklace regulator, so its not a complete loss.
If however you are still interested in a combination
inflator/regulator then you need to shop carefully. I used the AirII on rental equipment on and off for 3 months before buying my own setup. I chose the Sherwood Shadow+. I decided on them for several reasons.
#1 Standard fittings: the Sherwood (and similar Genesis) have standard BC quick disconnects. The AirII has(had?) special larger diameter quick disconnects.
#2 If you have a inflator problem and disconnect the hose, you still have a functioning regulator.
#3 When you breakdown and pack-up, the Shadow+ goes with your regulator, (in a reg bag?) the AirII lives with the BC. This was a traveling and/or shipping issue for my girlfriend and myself. On one trip I had to ship my BC to Florida and I took the reg. bag on the plane. The BC arrived two days late, during that time I rented a standard BC. No hoses to swap, no renting BC and reg. because of special fittings.
#4 Maintenance, (this is similar to #3) but I found it much more convenient to just take the regulators in for service. Others would require that the BC be taken in at the same time. Of course you should have you BC looked at too but not necessarily at the same time!
#5 If/when you decide that the DIR style is right for you then The standard hoses on the shadow+ and sidekick(?) are about 22-24 and great length for your necklace regulator, so its not a complete loss.
